This my friends is an Educational Child birth doll by Sharon Coleman. I am not sure my breasts were pointing East and West (more like south) when I gave birth but still some what of a true life depiction . I know some of you are mortally horrified and wondering what the world has come to, while others are seeing ART in it’s true form – Uncensored!
The best thing is you can make your own birthing doll just like this with this Crochet Pattern – by Cozy Coleman.
Check out more Crochet Doll Patterns here on Etsy.
This is not appropriate. This is not something for a child to play with and I will withdraw my subscription.
I think it’s flipping brilliant! Hahahahaha I’m making one right away!
I’m sorry Dolly, but withdrawing your subscription over one simple crochet pattern is pretty petty. By all means go ahead, but really, it is an educational tool (and clearly stated as such) to be used for the purpose of explaining the birthing process. Not all of us are embarrassed or traumatised by the natural female form. It is quite clear the kids won’t be using her at their doll tea parties! Well, not unless you knit her a jumper and pants, then she’s good to go i guess. If you are so offended i suggest you don’t crochet it…simple.
Totally inappropriate! Is nothing sacred? I also withdraw my subscription.
It’s an educational tool not a toy
Lol this old bag thinks people care. Good riddance WASP. Doll is…scarring but does what it says and is educational.
This is fabulous! If my kids were still small I would make them one. Shoot, I may still anyway…
I agree with Dolly. This is gross. Have you really looked at it? It is borderline porn. Very inappropriate.
I don’t know how you will manage without Dolly’s subscription. How did we get to a place as a society where the most natural things are taboo? It is a really nice example of crochet. The belly button is genius. And Dolly can just continue giving children toy guns and unrealistic depictions of women to play with.
This is beautiful!!!
it’s amazingly beautiful…
It’s not meant for a child to play with…’s an educational tool.
Birth isn’t appropriate? That’s right we all came from the stork.
I agree … totally inappropriate!!!
Cindy.. and I thought it was the stork. Now you’ve totally ruined my entire life. I withdraw my subsc…
Where does it say this is a toy? It doesn’t because it’s not. The last time I saw porn it didn’t feature the birthing process. It featured what causes the birthing process. What is the problem with teaching children where babies come from? Withdraw your subscription, go to your safe space, and crochet.
I am SHOCKED! I thought I came from a stork this entire 38 years of my life. I cannot believe the 2 children I gave birth to actually were born this way? Seriously people get a grip. I think Craft Gossip is going to survive without your subscriptions.
The actual listing for the pattern states: She makes a great addition to any midwifery practice, or for any birth professional that works with siblings.
Very cool! My friend is a birth doula and would love this!
Whoever said this is porn sexualised a natural process and turned the doll something it’s not meant to be.
I think this is hilarious! The offended comments, I mean. Every kid should have this doll so they can understand what giving birth entails and help them know that no one should have to do it unless they are ready to. This needs more blood yarn and crocheted placenta, in my opinion. And make sure there’s a Velcro for the possible tearing or episiotomy…