I just had to share this idea. Even if you only use it once in your crochet-lifetime, it’s a good technique to have in your repertoire.
In the pictured example, the addition of the yarn hair is really a plus. I’d be tempted to make it longer and braid those ends. Interestingly, the dark haired one reminds me a great deal of myself in grade school. I was the only kid with glasses and a typically messy ‘puppy tails’ head of almost black hair (pig tails right over the ears, that’s what my mom called them).
Now, this dolly needs a pretty crocheted dress to complete her ‘look’!
You weren’t the only one who looked like the doll in school. I also was the only one with glasses (and crossed eyes!). I also had the pig tails drawn so tight they slanted my eyes. Did we have the same mother?