Have you heard about Caps For Good? It’s a project sponsored by Save The Children and Warm Up America. The goal is to crochet or knit caps to be sent to areas where newborns may die from poor or no medical care, being unable to maintain their body heat, or other, usually poverty related issues.
It only takes me, a slow crocheter, about an hour to make a toddler or adult sized cap. Why not make one or two – or ten – and send them along with the instructions you can find here ? It’ll make you feel great to do this tiny good deed.
When you are finished, fill out a cap tag, attach it to
your cap and ship your cap to the address below:
Save the Children, Caps for Good
c/o The Doe Fund
173 Cook Street
Brooklyn, NY 11206
I just found that this morning through an email. I printed out the material and will make a few to send. It’s so simple and won’t take hardly any time at all. :o)
I don’t understand this movement at all.
I’ve traveled all over the world, including some pretty impoverished and inaccessible parts of Africa and South America. And I have never encountered a community that could not provide blankets and swaddling for their infants. There is always yarn and fiber art of some kind; and women have been weaving and knitting it for hundreds of years. Carrying a baby in a sling and nursing on demand is traditional in most parts of the world.
I don’t understand what the knitted cap adds to the equation. They’re really cute, but no one from my generation ever put a hat on a baby.
Anyway, what these people need is penicillin and clean water. Families can spend six hours a day fetching water. Figure out how to improve that, and you might make a difference.
Where do we send these caps to?
When you are finished, fill out a cap tag, attach it to
your cap and ship your cap to the address below:
Save the Children, Caps for Good
c/o The Doe Fund
173 Cook Street
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Is this company still accepting hats