Looking for something to spice up your crochet? Want to try something new – or new to you? Here are some ideas that I find intriguing. I’ve got some more coming soon. Please let me know what you think of these techniques – if you’ve ever used them, mastered them, teamed them with crochet.
Shirret, shown above, is a technique combining crochet and fabric. I love the bright colors in this photo. Have never used shirret on purpose – but think I’ve done it by accident once or twice. LOL.
The link to hassdesign.com includes a free pattern for the shawl in the Delta Crochet technique along with good schematics for the stitches.
Stitch Diva’s site shows some pictures of beautiful earrings created with bead, wire, and a crochet hook. Check out the site for good pix of the wire available, to learn the proper size to use, and more on the technique.
I’ve written about the Amazing Needle before. Using it, one can use any crochet or knit pattern to create a project. I took a class years ago from Nancy Nehring on this technique. It produces a stretchy fabric that is perfect for sweaters and scarves. This is not a tool you’ll find in every craft store or LYS, but it’s worth looking into if you have a knit project you want to make but don’t knit.
And, here’s something I’ve read about and will tell you, quite honestly, that I’m still unsure of how to use it. But, the photos are lovely and I’ve got to find an occasion and project to give it a try.
Shirret is really neat. I ordered the kit and learned to do it, but I wanted to use it with fleece, which, sadly does not work well with this technique.
Hi Glenda – Yes Fleece works!! I’ve made fleece shirret TM myself – both the raw sheep wool fleece and the fleece from pop bottles. Some polyester fleeces are impermeable, but many are not and they work really well for Shirret, making a really nice, cushy, soft rug !! From Lady McCrady the originator of Shirret.