First is this little Coats and Clark book from 1967. It’s mostly knit, but has several crochet patterns, including some lovely afghan stitch mittens. The other 11 books are old copies of Workbasket Magazine. These are not in mint condition – NOT. But, they are intact and full of amazing patterns, recipes, gardening tips, etc. If you’re not familiar with Workbasket, you’ve been missing out!
Here are the rules:
Each item will be mailed to the winner by USPS – books by media mail. For now, this contest will only be open to participants with a U.S. mailing address.
This is how it will work. Each Monday, I’ll pose a question on my blog. Everyone who answers the questions will be entered in the drawing on the last day of that month. Some ‘answers’ may require you to post a link to a specific pattern or site. The winner will be announced along with the next Monday’s question. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me with mailing information. If the winner doesn’t contact me, the prize will be offered on another occasion.
TO MAKE IT CRYSTAL CLEAR, THE WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON THE DAY OF EACH MONTH (OR SHORTLY THEREAFTER) AND THE WINNER MUST EMAIL ME ([email protected]) WITHIN 48 HOURS OF THE ANNOUNCEMENT. So, for sanity’s sake, that deadline will really mean that I need to hear from you no later than 8 PM the following Monday (so you have plenty of time to email me and I’ll get the email for sure even if I don’t sign on to my email on a Sunday).
Simply enter to win by leaving a comment on this post answering the question posed.
Making toys for my cats is a perfect way to use up small pieces of yarn.
I haven’t made him yet, since I don’t have much of a leftover stash right now.. But I came across this guy, and he looks fab –
I’ve been using leftover bits of cotton yarn to make small crocheted flowers. A variety of colors makes each flower different.
I like to use my “odds & ends” yarn scraps to make tassels & pom poms, these look great as embellishments on just about anything! Zipper pulls, drawstrings, borders & just fun on hats, mittens & baby items.
I had a bunch of yarn left over from an afghan I made, and I turned it into my “project bag” based on the “Very V Hobo Bag” from Hooked Bags:
I used a bigger hook and double-stranded the yarn, and ended up with a HUGE bag, big enough to tote 3 Caron One-Pounders and a current project!
I plan on making another at some point here, because that V-stitch that holds it all together moves so quick.
My mother has balls of orphan yarn in a bowl in her bathroom as decoration. I once got bored, grabbed a few and whipped up a pair of slippers while I was doing my laundry. Another good use for leftovers!
I use little scraps as ribbons on gifts that I’ve wrapped up or to tie together bouquets of flowers. I’m saving all of my larger scraps to do a sort of patchwork pillow set. No pattern for that yet so I’ll just have to see how it works out.
One scrap pattern I do like is this fan afghan:
hmmm, i do not have a link but i have been collecting small snippets for a bit waiting to start two projects. Alan Darts Farm as well as a mini veggie basket (found on ravelry). Lots of variety of texture and color will be fun to play!
I made a giant queen size afghan completely out of leftovers from previous projects. It’s pretty crazy looking but it’s one of my favorites. My husband too, he loves it when I do some stash busting!
I belong to a crochet group so we make square or stripes with our left over yarn and then we put them together and take them to charities. We just finished a baby blanket and are completeeing 2 more I plan to take to the womens shelter and I have started a full size striped blanket to donate to charity.
I have a large bag of yarn scraps that I use for rug hooking. When I have enough gathered together I go for it. The different colors and textures make for some interesting projects.
I’ve been making granny squares with leftover yarn to turn into a blanket in the future.
Right now I’m combining all kinds of blues, greens, browns and cream colored scraps into an afghan. I just single crochet until I run out of one color and then switch. I’ll have lots of ends to weave in, but so far it looks great!
My MIL makes mittens for local charity groups. Even a small color scrap can make nice looking stripes on the cuffs.
This past St. Valentine Day I made small hearts using scrap red and white yarn. Last fall I made small pumpkins that I used as pins, and at Chrismas I made a wreath pin. My alltime scrap buster was a granny square afghan I made a long time ago. It is one large square, and every row is a different color.
I’ve been making cupcake washcloths with my scraps. They are great for a baby shower or wedding shower. The best part is that you can use any yarn, roll it up, put a cherry on top, and they look adorable.
I use up my small amounts of yarn to make granny squares that eventually go into an afghan. It makes a beautiful afghan that goes with most every decor and thus a wonderful gift for someone.
I like to just practice different stitches.
If I have enough yarn after completing a project I use a nostepenne to make small cakes. These cakes are being saved for an afghan. I also use them to practice a new technique (to make sure I understand it) before starting or continuing with a project/pattern.
I crochet up a bunch of little pouches for my daughter who is constantly collecting little things from nature.