First is this little Coats and Clark book from 1967. It’s mostly knit, but has several crochet patterns, including some lovely afghan stitch mittens. The other 11 books are old copies of Workbasket Magazine. These are not in mint condition – NOT. But, they are intact and full of amazing patterns, recipes, gardening tips, etc. If you’re not familiar with Workbasket, you’ve been missing out!
Here are the rules:
Each item will be mailed to the winner by USPS – books by media mail. For now, this contest will only be open to participants with a U.S. mailing address.
This is how it will work. Each Monday, I’ll pose a question on my blog. Everyone who answers the questions will be entered in the drawing on the last day of that month. Some ‘answers’ may require you to post a link to a specific pattern or site. The winner will be announced along with the next Monday’s question. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me with mailing information. If the winner doesn’t contact me, the prize will be offered on another occasion.
TO MAKE IT CRYSTAL CLEAR, THE WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON THE DAY OF EACH MONTH (OR SHORTLY THEREAFTER) AND THE WINNER MUST EMAIL ME ([email protected]) WITHIN 48 HOURS OF THE ANNOUNCEMENT. So, for sanity’s sake, that deadline will really mean that I need to hear from you no later than 8 PM the following Monday (so you have plenty of time to email me and I’ll get the email for sure even if I don’t sign on to my email on a Sunday).
Simply enter to win by leaving a comment on this post answering the question posed.
My dream crochet spot would be by the ocean in a cottage that has a big sun-porch, a big over stuffed chair,lots of windows,hot cups of coffee and easy listening music. Oh and my cat curled up purring on the back of the chair. mmmmmmmm take me away.
On a sandy beach looking out at the vastness of the ocean and listening to the gentle lapping of the water as it hits the shore. 🙂 Lynn
If I had a chance I would love to go to New Zealand, find a nice quiet spot near some lake and crochet or do any other crafting there. New Zealand is just my dream land.. 🙂
I would luv to go to England to crochet, beautiful selection of yarns available there!
I would love to be able to sit on a beach in Sri Lanka and crochet. I’ve always dreamed of going there since I was little.
For me, it’s not anywhere super-specific, but I’d love to crochet under water. I’m a certified SCUBA diver, and I think it’d be really fun to sit at 15-20 feet down, start a project, and see if I can finish it before I run out of air.
That does mean that the water would have to be relatively warm and clear, so some of the old pit mines around here would work in August, but ideally… probably the Caribbean. Minnesota and Wisconsin lakes are more accessible, though.
I would love to just have the time to sit on my front porch in the south central united states and crochet. Now if only I could have a nice shop somewhere close.
I’d go to Minnesota to crochet with my friends.
Australia….visit some sheep stations and relatives.
We are running a free random draw for a knitting or crochet book. No purchase necessary.
All you have to do is add yourself as a fan or press the “like” button on our Facebook page.
The draw will take place on Mother’s Day May 9th. No country restrictions.
For details and to see the books, please see
On the beach on the coast of Maine somewhere where it is quiet.
I wouldn’t mind sitting on a porch somewhere quiet, in a countryside. Lots of grass and flowers around. No noisy, nosy, neighbors with their equally noisy and nosy kids, lol. If I had to pick an actual location, I’d probably say Ireland, maybe learn a bit of lace making, along with my ancestry and history.
In a porch full of plants, sitting on a rocking chair, listening to music. Maybe sharing some secrets or girl talk with a friend.
Anywhere that would have a log cabin with a roaring fire while the weather rages outside. I wouldn’t want to pick somewhere more exotic, because then it would be challenge to pay attention to my craft.
Back at my childhood home with my mother and grandmother.
Here we go,
On a boat, floating down the Amazon River. I’ve always wanted to go there.
Out in the country, in a field of wildflowers, under a BIG old shade tree. No sounds but the sounds of mother nature.
On the back deck at my sister’s house in Colorado, with my niece whose grandma just taught her to crochet.
I would be setting on the deck of my parents home. The deck is on a small hill covered in tall trees overlooking the lake. Of course the sun is shining, birds chirping. Most important my mother would be setting there with me,crocheting. We would both be lost in our thoughts crocheting. We are able to take time to relax and share our hearts and heal wounds of years of misunderstandings between us.