This might be the primo site combining beading and crochet:
This site has kits and beads for sale, how-to’s, and other interesting things to check out. is always a good site to check out when you want to learn something new. This article teaches a variety of ways to incorporate beading into your crochet:
Of course, a lot of us with little girls or granddaughters would like to make things like this:
And, here’s a charming little beaded tree that could be used as a brooch or an ornament:
But, beads can be used for all kinds of things – and all sizes of beads:
Crochet Pattern Central has a lot of freebies for bead crochet. You can check it out at this link:
If you want to go more upscale, try some things at this site:
Annie’s has some free patterns for beaded amulet bags. These are really pretty little things:
And, I LOVE this pretty bracelet:
Beads are available at most craft stores (Michael’s, Joann’s, Hobby Lobby in my area), but my favorite source for beads is Shipwreck Beads in Olympia, WA. Unlike most mail order businesses, I actually had the chance to browse in their ‘real’ store. It’s just a wonderful place with excellent prices. Might I suggest that you stick to glass or crystal beads for most of your crochet. Plastic is fine for kids’ socks and a few other applications, but glass, crystal, and ceramic beads and even most metal beads will got through the washer and dryer with little additional care needed. So, open your mind to a new way to crochet if you haven’t already tried combining beads with your crochet.
Dear JD,
Thank you for sharing this article.I also love work with beaded in crochet. Bead and crochet is a great patner I think :). This article inspire me again like charger to me.
I have tried make some projects with it. If you want to look at them, click the link below :
Happy crocheting always,
Thank you for the lovely eye-candy article. It was loaded with things that give a crocheter inspiration and the urge to try something new.
Your efforts at finding new and interesting things in the crochet area is greatly appreciated.