Oh this little lady is so cute! How sweet she would look on my crafting table. She would also make an adorable little gift for someone.
Free Crochet Pin Cushion Pattern.
Looking for more pin cushion patterns? Check out these quilting patterns on Etsy.
Looking for more Pincushion patterns? Check out this fun sewing book for making pincushions.
Sewing Pincushions are also called Emery Bag as they contain Emery powder and oxide iron that removes rust from pins and needles. Emery pinch cushions can be bought here.
link to pattern does not work
I am not able to click on to get to the site to get the directions for this adorable hedgehog. Any sugestions how I can get there?
Nothing comes up when you click on the link!
I have fixed the link now. Thanks for letting me know
I have fixed the link.