Refer to the contest rules below. Winner of the monthly contest will be announced on the first Monday of next month.
This week’s question is:
Remember, the prize this month is a copy of this book:
This is how it will work. Each Monday, I’ll pose a question on my blog. Everyone who answers the questions will be entered in the drawing on the last day of that month. Some ‘answers’ may require you to post a link to a specific pattern or site. The winner will be announced along with the next first Monday’s question. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me with mailing information. If the winner doesn’t contact me, the prize will be offered on another occasion.
Right now, I have prizes for at least a year! All good stuff. I’ll post a description of each month’s prize on that first Monday’s blog article (with the question for the week). I hope this makes sense. Look at it as four (and sometimes five) opportunities to enter a prize winning answer each month.
I’m the sole determiner of the winner of each month’s contest. The drawings will be random as each entrant have her/his name written on a piece of paper and entered into an old piece of Tupperware for the drawing. Your chance(s) to win will be based on the number of entries each month.
Can I still play if I didn’t have a crochet accomplishment in 2009? But I did teach myself how to sew and quilt and have become “crafty”, and one of my crafty goals of 2010 is to learn how to crochet. So having some fun crochet books will definitely help me!
My greatest crochet accomplishment of 2009 was perfecting my techniques in making Amigurumi. I can now ease through any pattern with the highest confidence.
I learned how to knit and crochet in 2009, so I am thinking THAT was my biggest accomplishment, but I also made a little cutie hat for my darling baby girl. I do hope I win this book.
My greatest accomplishment was to decide to set up a blog and an Etsy account. I’ve been selling crocheted items to friends and family but this will take my goal of making this a business real!
I haven’t crocheted for about 20 years but decided to pick up my needle again in Dec 09 & crocheted a round piggy amigurumi and a little apple. I was a little clumsy & slow but am glad that I have not forgotten how to crochet after all these years of absence. The piggy & apple are now my daily companions as they now sit on my bed.
Actually being able to crochet on my own. I had no teacher. I bought some patterns, bought the supplies, and sat down to crochet. I actually started first wanting to make a bowl, but realized I should probably learn to make a pot holder or something square before actually attempting to make a bowl 🙂
I learned to crochet and I made a scarf that looks like a fox, without a pattern too!
just picking up the hook and starting! I am a knitter by trade, so the whole loss of a needle has scared the *** fuzz*** out of me! It is a slow process but i am still making headway!!
My greatest accomplishment was teaching crochet for the first time.
My greatest crochet accomplishment for 2009 was beginning AND FINISHING a beautifly butterfly afghan for my adult daughter. The pattern wasn’t difficult, very fun to make, and used very bright colors on a black bachground. I’ve been trying to carry on the tradition my mother started where she gave everyone in the family an afghan. Thank goodness I don’t have as many to make as she did. I would never get done. I’ve been searching for a kite or football pattern for my next afghan. So far, haven’t found one I like.
my great accomplishment was using a graph patt of a Kookaburra and making it in to a rug .It turned out just great big enough for a single bed .
I completed an afghan…
wow, my greatest 2009 accomplishment is the fact that I finished up 99% of my wip’s and that I crocheted some awesome ami’s. I never thought I could make them, but wow, was I wrong. they aren’t as hard as I thought they were.