Refer to the contest rules below. Winner of the monthly contest will be announced on the first Monday of next month.
This week’s question is:
Remember, the prize this month is a copy of this book:
This is how it will work. Each Monday, I’ll pose a question on my blog. Everyone who answers the questions will be entered in the drawing on the last day of that month. Some ‘answers’ may require you to post a link to a specific pattern or site. The winner will be announced along with the next first Monday’s question. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me with mailing information. If the winner doesn’t contact me, the prize will be offered on another occasion.
Right now, I have prizes for at least a year! All good stuff. I’ll post a description of each month’s prize on that first Monday’s blog article (with the question for the week). I hope this makes sense. Look at it as four (and sometimes five) opportunities to enter a prize winning answer each month.
I’m the sole determiner of the winner of each month’s contest. The drawings will be random as each entrant have her/his name written on a piece of paper and entered into an old piece of Tupperware for the drawing. Your chance(s) to win will be based on the number of entries each month.
2009 was when I learned to crochet! It might have been the best accomplishment of the entire year. 🙂
I created ‘ankle warmers’. In this intensely cold weather they have been an ankle-saver.
Crocheting a hamburger: two buns, a patty, two slices of tomato, lettuce, two red onion rings, and a slab of cheese. It’s now a favorite toy!
I rediscovered my old crochet patterns, yarns and needles during my end-of-year clear-out in 2009 and got so inspired I have big plans for crochet in 2010!
I crocheted an afghan from a kit for my mother-in-law. It’s the Anastasia from Herrschner’s and was particularly tricky. Here’s the post on my blog with pictures.
I too learned to crochet in Sept 2009. My biggest accomplishment was making a square look like a square. From there I’ve made blankets and scarves, shawls, fingerless mitts and dishcloths. Next up – make a sweater in 2010
My greatest accomplishment was….. finally figuring out how to follow a crochet pattern! I had crocheted my own thing for a long time but patterns were Greek to me. But now they’re making sense ( finally)!
I think for 2009 – it would be doing the Long Flared Skirt by Mary Jane Hall. It is something that I actually did for myself, and I enjoy wearing it.
Learning to crochet in the first place, left-handed, no doubt, then also completing a hat, neck warmer with buttonholes & buttons and fingerless gloves in a beautiful blue Malabrigo yarn!
Crocheting again! I kept telling myself I would do it, but never found the time. After my grandmother passed away, I inherited all of her knitting and crocheting gear.. I taught myself a few new things, like granny squares, and increasing/decreasing.. I feel closer to her whenever I pick up my hook and yarn 🙂
I made five hats and a pair of crochet earrings in one week for last-minute Christmas presents!
In 2009, my greatest crochet accomplishemnt was a set of pineapple doiles with ruffles.
I made a top from Doris Chan’s “Everyday Crochet” with bust shaping, and it fit perfectly! Until the bamboo fiber stretched all out, that is. Next time I’ll use a fiber that holds its shape better. But it’s nice to know I CAN make tops that actually fit me!
I also learned that I prefer working with natural fibers and realized it was more cost-effective to pay more for yarns I love in smaller quantities than pay less for a lot of yarn I don’t particularly like to work with. This also keeps my stash smaller :o)
My greatest crochet accomplishment last year was actually starting to learn. My MIL taught me a basic stitch in December and I managed a few squares on my own – to say I was chuffed is a HUGE understatement. I aim to be crocheting proper and making toys and clothes by the end of this year. 😀 I’ve always loved crocheted items and this has been a goal of mine for to long.
i actually took the plunge after over 20 years of crocheting basics and did a tapestry of my kids faces, it came out awesome. i have never been one to take admiration in my own work, but i have it hanging on the wall by the front door so everyone can see.
My biggest accomplishment was “rediscovering” my love for crochet after having forgotten about it for quite a few years.
My biggest project accomplishments were that:
I made a hat which I LOVE and have worn almost every day since then
I made several pairs of socks that are awesome!
my biggest making a crochet hook case for I was always losing my hooks in my bed at nite i would crochet an fall asleep an forever having tare my bed apart (not my crochet)lol Now I do put them in the crchet case holder
My accomplashment for crocheting in 2009 weas to make hats for all my family for Christmas! They turned out lovely and everyone loved them!
My biggest accomplishment last year is getting a group of women at chuch enthusiastic about crocheting-we made hats & scarf sets for homeless. This year, the goal is shawls for a woman’s shelter. They asked me what we are crocheting this year! A steady group of 5 to 6 once a month, sometimes more.
I taught myself to crochet this past summer, so learning to do it at all is my biggest crochet accomplishment!
In 2009 I picked up my crochet hooks, once again, after a long break and went crazy making modern shrugs to be worn dressy or casual. The pattern is a simple rectangle. Is there anything better than complements on something you’ve made? Not much! 🙂
I crocheted little animals for my granddaughters.
My best accomplishment last year was to make my very first Afghan (see picture here: Actually it was my first ever finished crochet because I learned to crochet only recently.
Actually I’m still in the learning process. But I have a feeling the accomplishment will be coming any time now.
My greatest accomplishment is just learning new stitches. I finished a great hat for my sister using a new technique and I can’t wait to use it again.
I didn’t have any because I didn’t know how to crochet. So this year I resolved to learn how. I signed up for a class. The first class is on January 19th. So wish me luck at becoming a great expert and one who can someday even make up and write out patterns too. Thanks.
I finally tried free form crocheting! Interesting, fun and challenging, I will continue doing it! And hopefully get better at it!
I crocheted a blanket for my husband that goes from wrapping all the way under his feet to tucking up under his chin. Did I mention he is 6’4″? It took me much of the year!
Even though I really don’t know how to crochet properly I have managed to use crochet to use it to put together some flower petals that I knitted.
I crocheted a beautiful doily from a pattern written in the late 1800’s. I messed up somehow and left out an entire repeat, and had to rework several rows over and over again, but it’s lovely, and I adore it.
I also crocheted a twin size afghan for my son. Not a huge accomplishment for an experienced crocheter, I know, but he won’t sleep without it. He’s 9 so that’s a huge compliment!
I crocheted ALL of my Christmas presents in 2009. It took hours of work every day but I got it done, so I’m very proud of myself. ^_^
After putting off the idea for years, I finally sat down and designed my own patterns. In 2009, I came up with 6 of my own crochet patterns and learned lots along the way. Yay!
I finally crocheted a plarn basket for my husband as his birthday present. Everyone else in my family already had one, and he was feeling very left out. I worked out a better way of doing the handles so they are less stretchy also, while making his basket.
I just learned and my husband made fun of me because instead of just making a scarf I made a hello kitty scarf with granny squares for my 2 year old girl. I told him whats the point? Go big or go to sleep 🙂 Here is a link to the pattern…
Even though I know how, I don’t crochet because I feel better connected to knitting. So, this year my biggest crocheting achievement would have to be that I helped encourage a friend to crochet a boarder on a dress she had knitted for her daughter, even though she was really afraid of learning how to do that, being a beginner crafter. Perhaps this year I should step out of my own comfort zone and crochet more. My step daughter would be thrilled to have more Barbi clothes or accessories.
I learned how to crochet booties for my new grandson!
My best crochet accomplishment this year was learning to crochet to be able to do homemade Christmas presents this year. I made 4 beanies, 1 afghan, a pair of fingerless gloves and an amigurami teddy bear.
I got away from crocheting and took to quilting but still miss Crocheting. I am looking for a small group that I get instructions for different articles. I have made pineapple doilies, hats, scarves, afghans the navajo about 15 of them. Any information will be gladly appreciated.
My biggest crochet accomplishment this year was to follow a CAL for a tote and actually complete it. I have never done a CAL and I have plenty of WIPs and PIGs so I am proud of this. I gave it to my niece for Christmas, she is 15 and loved it.
I made two scarfs (Indigo Vibe by Lynne Vogel) from my handspun singles!
Actually FINISHING the scarf for the swap I was in on time!
I didn’t really have any accomplishments last year. I had too many issues with my hands. I am sure hoping to get them resolved
My biggest accomplishment was teaching myself how to crochet and then making matching hats for my daughter and her doll. I never realized how much math that would require. I learned that I love finding new things to crochet. This year I am working on converting knitting patterns over to crochet.
My greatest accomplishment was SABLE – stash acquisition beyond life expectancy! LOL Actually, I’d say it was learning Tunisian crochet and branching out in thread crochet – making my first doilies and snowflakes. So far, I love making everything that I’ve tried!
I crocheted a flower-shaped washcloth for a holiday gift from a pattern I found on Ravelry!
I opened a yarn shop, which has been a life long dream of mine and luckily we do have more crocheters than knitters. As a service to my customers, I offer free lessons on the basics (how to chain, single, double) and free help with any pattern.
i’m a Crocheting Croatian,
latest accomplishment a bag.
My greatest crochet accomplishment of 2009, I’d say, would have to be discovering that I can indeed create miniature things out of two or three strands of sewing thread for my tiniest dolls. Even making it up as I go along, it always turns out beautifully!
In 2009, I actually crocheted a scarf. I learned how to crochet when I was 9. My aunt taught me. But no matter how hard I tried, I could never get the hang of it. My stitches would end up sloppy and uneven and each row would end up getting shorter and shorter. So, on and off for 15 years I would keep trying but with the same results. Last year, I am happy to say, I really buckled down and paid attention and the result was a scarf that I am incredibly proud of! It makes me want to go out and find patterns to try!
2009 was the first year that I actually really got into crocheting. I made quite a few amigurumi toys for my little one and friends. I am very proud at how my skills have improved and how many toys I’ve completed!