I fell in love with these delicate Granny Circle Place Mats the moment I saw them. But, of course, I had to think of something else to make with this pattern since I already have four sets of ‘dressy’ place mats, and a babyghan came immediately to mind. I do love round baby afghans and think this one will make an especially pretty afghan for baby.
You can get the pattern along with a very detailed picture tutorial at Whitney’s purlbee’s site. While there, you should also check out her other crochet projects. Lots of inspiration and crochet yumminess there! Her work has a simplicity and unfussiness that I find refreshing.
Looking for more Doily Crochet patterns to make? Check these out on Etsy.
To add the additional rounds for increasing size to make a babyghan, Whitney gives this advice:
I believe you will find that you’ll need to increase the number of rounds between increase-rounds as your circle grows. So, you’ll probably want to increase every four rounds a few times, then every five rounds, etc.
I also prefer the scalloped edge shown here.
And, when I saw this beauty that is supposed to be a rug (in the American sense, something for the floor), it just looked like maybe it needed to be added to my round babyghan list of patterns for WIM’s. You can get the patter here. Whaddya think?
Nice Lookin’! Just keep going, and going, and going… End up with a pretty nice large round table cloth! Smile! Sheri *¿*
Thank you for featuring my Rosetta 🙂 This is actually a doily for on the table. I also have a rug version on my blog 🙂
I’ll have to check more carefully. Your work is beautiful!