Are you familiar with this site for oodles of free patterns? Since disappeared, I have not really found a reliable aggregate site for finding free crochet patterns online. This site seems to have a lot of the same features as the previous crochetpatterncentral. It’s so helpful to have a single site as my Go-To when I’m looking for a specific pattern for for inspiration. Scrolling through free patterns, categorized by pattern type, is a great way for me to not just go down ‘the rabbit hole’ like I do if I find my way to Pinterest – especially when I find an object I’d love to crochet but can’t click through to the pattern source on Pinterest. Very frustrating!
So, with the site, most of the beloved and useful features of crochetpatterncentral have been duplicated. I mean that in the best possible way. There are only so many ways to index your crochet patterns. It makes sense to me that they are categorized the way this site does it, but there are several search options available in case you have different needs.
So take a trip over to crochetpatternbonanza and see if it’s a site you can rely on and bookmark for future reference. I’m definitely going to do so. The best such site I was ever aware of was the now ancient Stargazer Crochet site, but that’s been gone for years. Now, we have this nice alternative. Check it out!
UPDATE: Thanks to those who have let me know that crochetpatterncentral is still in business! It’s been redesigned, but it looks like the content is all there.
Crochet Pattern Central is still there.
crochetpatterncentral is still up and running!
Thanks JD
OMGosh, I thought I was the only one that had that problem with Pinterest!
Yes, crochetpatterncentral is still alive and well. It has been re-styled and I liked the older version better, but they still have everything they did before.