So, I’m home recuperating from my knee replacement (doing well, thank you) and a bit fuzzy because of the pain meds. First, Saturday’s mail held the latest copy of Crochet Today! Yippee! Something to stare at that requires no attention span. Lots of pretty pictures. Monday, TWO boxes of books arrived. I had ordered several new books from Overstock, timing their arrival for my recuperation period so I would have some pretty pictures to enjoy. But, I also received TWO MORE Interweave Press books to preview!!! I’m in a blurry Crochet Heaven!!
So, stay tuned for several reviews of books and patterns.
Crochet Today! Magazine
The issue Crochet Today from Jan/Feb ‘08 as shown above contains my new favorite pattern, the Pineapple Shell. With its classic lines shifts easily from day to a night easily. Another great aspect of the pattern is it is flattering on a multiplicity of body types, as our family has discovered.
The July/Aug issue of Crochet Today is on the news stands and it is filled with fun and nautical themes The hardest thing to do is to deciding which item to make first. Should it be the whale of a Beachy Blanket or the Sea Side Cushions. Which do you think should be made first? Hmmm…perhaps both will have to get made.
Wishing you well on your recovery.
Hi, JD. Glad to hear you are doing better! I just bought the new issue of Crochet Today for July/August and I am still going through it, but it is interesting so far. I am thinking about doing the Beach Blanket…I like the pattern.
Continued best wishes on your recovery!
Glad you are home and able to post. Looking forward to the book reviews. I love browsing crochet books. Mama used to do that with recipe books. She always said if she didn’t ever cook a single recipe she enjoyed reading the recipes. I’m that way with crochet books!
WANDA, thanks for your kind words. I agree with your mama. Browsing through crochet books (and cook books) is very enjoyable and relaxing to me. I’ve stopped browsing cookbooks tho’ because it just makes me hungry! That’s incompatible with my attempts to keep off the 65 lbs I lost almost 9 years ago!
Glad to hear you’re feeling better.
My mom was like that with circulars.
she used to say “You never know, I might know somebody that lives nearby!”
I’d laugh, cause, I used to work in the mailroom of a bank, and I’d get circulars from all over our tri-state area…
Didn’t matter, in fact, she like them better, cause they had different things!
Always good to hear from you. Circulars are fun! My husband has a true addiction to keeping all circulars, magazines, and many newspaper articles that enter our house. Two of us with Acquisition Syndrome creates quite an accumulation of stuff.