I’m enthralled with the ideas on this site for using yarn to ‘wrap’ packages. The correct term might be to ’embellish’ wrapping – but I just LOVE what they’ve done with the yarn.
My mind is running wild with ideas for some of my ‘orphan’ skeins. These are truly one skein wonders! I think any type of yarn or thread would work for this project. Lion Brand has scored with these ideas!
Here’s another one I especially like:
They offer 4 ideas at the site with the video how-to’s:
(Note: The youtube video takes a while to load. Be patient. It’s worth the wait.)
I think all of us can stash dive and come up with even more ideas. How about combining a fuzzy yarn with a size 10 thread for the woven idea? Why not use up those stray novelty yarn skeins to make the wreaths?
I’m heading for my stash right this minute!
Hi, this is Jess from Lion Brand. Thank you so much for posting about this issue of YarnPlay! We had a ton of fun making these packages, and we hope you do, too!
With warm regards,
Jess H.
Lion Brand Yarn