If you want to know more about crochet on the internet, want to learn a new stitch, want to learn a new technique, want to find great crochet blogs, websites, and patterns, then run on over to www.groups.yahoo.com and join the group called ‘crochetpartners’.
There are now more than 4,000 crocheters on this list and it’s full of great information, encouragement and motivation. I love that I can share with and learn from crocheters from every continent on the planet on this list. Well, okay, maybe not Antartica! But 6 out of 7 is pretty good!
I have made some good crochet friends in cyberspace and met some people face to face who have become good friends of mine. Ronnie T. and DJ are two women I’ve known for about 10 years. I met DJ via Crochetpartners and met Ronnie shortly thereafter. I was able to get the St. Louis Crochet Club started thanks to the internet and CP.
So, go join and participate. They have lots of offer – and so do YOU! Join in the conversation about crochet. Let us know what you’re working on, what your WIM’s are, and what your favorite patterns and websites are. Everyone has plenty to offer.
would love to learn as much as I can.If any one can spare a patern.I have begun teaching my foster daughter to crochet too.I would love just about anything.Thanks
I got the Cottage Rose Square Afghan pattern to do. I have been crocheting since i was 10 ( am 69 now ) and i have never seen # sign after a number. What does it stand for or its meaning?
Wilma on CP offered this insight:
I just looked at the pattern and the # sign behind the 4 is a reference sign. If you look at the end of the line you will see another # The first is the beginning, the second just tells you torepeat until you reach the first #.
And… Ended up here too! 6000+ members now! I joined about this time using an Old Clamshell cellphone with a browser and had to use the numbered keys to communicate. It was (IS…I still have it) a Motorola RAZR.