This book Crochet Patterns For Dummies has been around for quite a while. It was originally published in 2007! I was not familiar with it. I thought I was – but the book I thought I knew was the ‘other’ Dummies book, “Crocheting for Dummies” which did not impress me the way this book has.
What’s good about this book? It’s one stop shopping. It’s full of resources – in addition to the typical stitch pattern guides, how-to’s, and such, there are other useful resources: metric conversions, yarn weight guide in a handy grid, two pages of size charts, including how to properly measure the body. Other high points – a grid indicating how to increase to make a circle (How many times have we seen people online ask how to crochet a circle?) , how to read (translate, interpret) a written pattern, including how to decode a diagram, and a thorough index.
Now, you may own books that include these features – but do you have a book that includes ALL of the features in one book AND has some great beginner and slightly more advanced patterns? They’re out there – but few and far between.
What do I not like about this book? The lack of color photographs. There are 8 pages of color photos grouped in the middle of the book, but that’s not enough for me. I need those color photos for inspiration. Even a beginner will be inspired by great color photography!
Still, this book, widely available at used book sites online, is worth a look. My copy is from the local library but I’m considering purchasing a copy for my personal library. If you know someone who wants to learn to crochet or who needs to bump up to a slightly more advanced level of work, this book could be just the thing. Since each pattern is presented in more detail than most books, crocheters of all levels can get through a tough spot.
Written by Susan Brittain
Wiley Publications, 2007
268 pages with a list price of $19.99 USD
Oh wow, I never knew they made a crochet book within the “for dummies” series! I’ve been trying to teach my sister crochet when she visits a couple of times a year, I think I’ll pick up this book for her birthday. Thanks!