A friend is looking for the source of this pretty baby afghan. It’s very similar to one of several patterns that include ‘Flower Garden’ in the names. I have seen this exact afghan before but worked in different colors. If you know the source of this pattern, please post it in the Comments section below. I suspect it appeared in a crochet magazine some years back. I’ve been unable to find the exact pattern online. Thanks for the help!
Looking for more Afghan blankets to crochet? Check out these Crochet patterns on Etsy.
according to the one I found on pintrest this video will show you how to do it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxLtQJqIK3g
but it’s not in english
Here is a link to the person who made the afghan, I don’t think she used a pattern. Perhaps you could ask her how she made them? http://www.flickr.com/photos/slip_stitch/3955750781/in/photostream/
I replied on twitter, but am doing it here too: the colors are different, but I think it’s the same idea… http://d30opm7hsgivgh.cloudfront.net/upload/19679795_Wgpme2To_c.jpg
I looked through all I had because it does look familiar but found nothing. I would love the pattern myself if it is ever found.
I don’t know anything about the pattern, other than I would love to have it also! If found, please post for all of us!
Those little flower motifs look loomed to me. Is that just me?
I make these flowers all the time. I use them for the centers of my Granny Squares. They are simple to make, but I learned from my grandmother…I cant read or write a pattern to save myself..
I will try…
chain 6, connect in circle
chain 2, make 5 more double stitches
Turn the flower around, chain 2 and double back accross the other five
chain 4 and fold it back to start another leaf in the circle. Make 8 leaves.
does this make any sense?
I live in Texas but would be happy to show…I’m just not sure. These can be even more beatiful when varigated yarn is used. I will try and upload a photo, but I am not very computor savvy.
I’m pretty sure this is it:
I second Nikki’s suggestion. I recognized it as that pattern immediately. It’s pretty popular on Ravelry.
I saw this on Pinterest.com. A commenter posted this link, and said it’s a similar blanket: http://littlegreen.typepad.com/romansock/2009/04/mollie-flowers-the-tutorial.html
I found this pattern…the original flowers look the same without making into a granny square?
Thanks so much Nikki and Jodi, this pattern on Ravelry does result in a very similar blanket, but I believe this one was made in the join as you go fashion seen in the You Tube video, and think it’s made from double crochet’s not loop stitches…..but thanks so much, this is one to try too!
I agree with Maggie. You can tell that they are clusters. Now if someone could just translate the video,lol. I am going to try to figure it out this afternoon.
I’m pretty sure that’s not Mollie flowers. If you go to the flickr link in the second post here and look at the other pics of this, you can see it’s not made with a loop type flower..it’s definitely crocheted. I did a search on puff stitch flowers and didn’t come up with much. I would LOVE to have a pattern for this!! The woman who made it said she was going to write the pattern but never updated 🙁
Thanks so much for posting the pattern you use. This might turn ot to be very helpful.
I looked at the video and this is what I think is going on :-)…
chain 6, connect in circle
Join other colour, chain 2, make 5 more double treble stitches in the same space.
Turn the flower around, chain 2 and double back across the other five by making a double treble, but just completing by pulling thread through the first two loops, leaving the 3 loop on the needle and continuing on with the next double treble, again leaving 3 loop on the needle, (now 2 loops on the needle). Make double trebles till 4 loops remain on the needle. Now chain by pulling yarn through last 4 loops on needle. Make 3 chains* and turn around the flower again to start another leaf in the circle. Make 6 leaves ending with the 3 chains* joined into the side of the first leaf.
Thanks so so much Karien for taking the time to figure out what was going on in the video, I”m the “friend” who was looking for this pattern and just didn’t have the time to go thru the video in a language I don’t speak! So I really appreciate it!
This might be a bit easier to understand. This is in US English terms.
6sc in magic loop. Join with a slip stitch.
Change color. Chain 2 with new color.
Make 3 DC in first stitch. *Turn, Chain 3. decrease double crochet over the next three stitches. (leaving last two loops on stitch until the end of row, then pull through all loops on hook) Chain 3. Make 3 double crochet in the next stitch.* Repeat between *’s until you have six petals.
Connect second flower to first flower after second petal is made.
Hi everyone,
I am so happy to see you all love my pattern so much. as I recently wrote on my flickr page, I am working on a detailed pattern (with photos and everything) and it will be ready soon.
This flowers are different from Mollie flowers, and much softer.
This pattern is original, and was designed by me. the german video was created by a woman who tried to figure out what I did there…
So, the pattern will be ready for sale pretty soon. you are more than welcome to follow my flickr page for updates:
Really excited to hear that the pattern will be up soon – I can’t wait to make it and I can NOT figure out how to do the petals on my own, even with the guidelines above. (I need to turn it back again sometime – right? But when?)
I remember seeing this Baby-Blanket.
they refered to this Tutorial:
I hope that you can use it.
My floral blanket pattern is finally ready, and available for sale on my Etsy shop.
It is a full step-by-step guide in how to make a single flowers, and how to join them together.
Hope you would enjoy it!
Did anyone order the pattern? I dont have a credit card or paypal account so I cant. Just wondering if the pattern was the same as what Jill posted. Or if anyone can email me the copy of the pattern…… [email protected]
Someone might email you the source of the pattern, but if it’s copyright protected, we won’t be copying the pattern.
This is the pattern for the blanket!
I think this is it in different colors. Very easy tutorial with step by step pictures.
I’ve had this pattern in my favorite’s list for awhile now. https://www.etsy.com/listing/89500561/crochet-pattern-floral-baby-blanket?ref=col_view
Hi! Yes, I knew I had it in my files:
It’s called the 6 Petal Puff Stitch Flower.
Enjoy…it looks like fun!
I love it!
Could you say something about the yarn? What is the best yarn do you use?
I believe a sport weight or baby weight yarn would be best for this project.
Can anybody give me any tips on how you weave all the ends in? That’s four ends per flower,two for the middle and two for the petal yarn, and there aren’t that many stitches in the flower to weave the yarns through!
Weaving in ends is the bane of most crocheters. But, it can be accomplished neatly. First, crochet over as much of each tail as you can. Then, using a tapestry needle (I use metal rather than plastic because it glides through the yarn better for me.) weave each tail back and forth through as much of the same color crochet as you can. It can also help to split the plies of some yarns and weave them in different directions. That secures the tails in better so there will be nothing sticking out after being laundered or lots of use. I give a little tug to the tail at the end of my weaving in to cut it, then the yarn eases back into the last stitch I worked it into and seems to disappear. Hope this helps. Perhaps others will have more useful information for you.
I seen this afghan on pinterest.com Just type in crocheted flower afghan.