I’ve crocheted a lot of flowers similar to this one – for all kinds of purposes. I love to wear them as brooches, but they’re fun to sew onto hats, headbands, jackets, or anything else you’ve made or purchased. Carolyne has created a great tutorial that will have even the rankest beginner turning out splendid flowers to use everywhere! Get her tutorial and pattern here.
I’ll work up a bunch of these in some scraps of variegated yarn (my personal favorite) and pin them to my jacket lapels. How will you use them?
My secret little tip, which I’ve probably shared before, is to simply use a small safety pin to affix the flower. No glue, no sewing, no sweat!
Looking for more patterns for flowers? Check out this Crochet Flower Pattern Book.
JD, as you know I love to make wearable flowers! One of my favorite things to do is to use those tack pin findings you can get wherever jewelry making supplies are sold. If you can work it right down into the center of the flower, it pops right thru there and sticks onto your purse or wherever you want to wear it. Of course I also love to wire crocheted flowers onto barrettes too! And scrunchies… and.. and…
Adorable! I like the suggestion from SheilaSchnauzies too. I think I’ll try that.
I sat down before Christmas and tried to remember how to crochet a little wreath around a plastic ring. Just like we made in high school circa 1976! Couldn’t remember but I end up with some cute flowers to wear.
Thanks, I’m gonna give this pattern a go. (I don’t really know how to crochet.)