Seeing these got me interested in looking for other Easter treats to crochet. So, here goes.
For a metamorphosis, try making this one:
Continuing on the metamorphosis theme, isn’t this one a cutie?
There are some pretty free egg covers at this site:
Be sure to check out the Marabou Egg Cover!
If your tastes tend more to the Victorian or vintage, one of the patterns at this site might be for you:
Victorian Egg Covers©
I only have six of the 7 egg covers pics to see the whole grouping so see what look like on tree click here.
These lacy covers make nice tree decorations; if use plastic eggs they become holders of treats for gifts (clear egg’s from craft store make gift visible thru lace). Nice way to learn new stitches or review old stitches you haven’t done in awhile.
Popcorn=( 5 dc in next sp, drop lp from hook; insert hook in first dc of group, draw dropped lp thr)
knot and double knot=((*draw up lp on hook to measure ¼”, yo and thru lp on hook, insert hook betwn ¼” lp and single strand behind it, draw a lp thru, yo and thru both lps on hook–single knot st)repeatx1 for double))
cluster=(holding back last lp of each tr on hook, make 3 tr in next lp, yo and thru all lps on hook (cluster st)
picot=(ch 10, slst in 6th ch from hook for picot)
rice and double rice=(ch 5; holding back last lp of each tr, 2 tr in 5th ch from hook, yo and thru all lps on hook) twice(double rice st),
filet= (dc’s and sps)
size 2½” to 4″
crochet cotton 1 ball white
steel crochet hook size 7
Extra large chicken eggs or small duck eggs. One goose egg. Or Plastic eggs (clear ones from craft store)
Red or green paints (nail polish, nodel car enamels or acrylic pearl paints)
Note: as eggs differ in size and shape try several egg shells to find best fit for covers. Blow out egg shells. Paint as desired. (If paint suggest seal with 2 coats decoupage spray)
Sunflower Cover
ch 6, slst in first ch to form ring.
ch 5, dc in ring, (ch 2, dc in ring) x8; ch 2, slst in 3rd ch of ch 5 (10sps).
Rnd 2
ch 3, 4 dc in first sp, drop lp from hook; insert hook in top of ch 3, catch dropped lp and draw thru ch (popcorn made); * ch 3, 5 dc in next sp, drop lp from hook; insert hook in first dc of group, draw dropped lp thr, repeat from * arnd, ch 3, slst in first popcorn.
Rnd 3
ch 7; * 5 tr popcorn in next sp, ch 2, tr in next popcorn, ch 3, repeat from * arnd, popcorn in last sp, ch 2, slst in 4th ch of ch7.
Rnd 4
*sc in next sp, ch 3, repeat from * arnd, end slst in first sc
Rnd 5
slst in first lp, * ch 3, sc in next lp, repeat from * arnd.
Rnd 6-10
*ch 3, sc in next lp, repeat from * arnd.
Rnd 11
3 sc in each lp arnd slst in first sc
Rnd 12
ch 5, 4 tr popcorn in same sc as slst, *ch 3, sk2 sc, 5 tr popcorn in next sc, repeat from * arnd, end ch 3, slst in first popcorn.
Rnd 13
slst in first sp, * ch 3, sc in next sp, repeat from * arnd.
Rnd 14-16
*ch 3, sc in next lp, repeat from * arnd
Rnd 17
2 sc in each lp arnd, slst in first sc. Ch 50 for hanging lp slst in sc on opposite side of cover. Tie off.
ch 70. Tie off. Run thru rnd 16. Insert egg; tie drawstring in a box.
ch 6, slst in first ch to form ring.
Rnd 1
ch 3, 14 dc in ring. Slst to top of ch 3
Rnd 2
ch 3, dc in each of next 2 sts, (ch 4, dc in each of next 3 sts) x4; ch 4, slst in top of ch 3
Rnd 3
ch 3,dc in each of next 2 dc, (ch 3,sc in ch-4 sp, ch 3, dc in each of next 3 dc) x4, ch 3 sc in ch-4 sp, ch 3, slst in top of ch3
Rnd 4
ch 3, dc in each of next 2 dc, *(ch 2, sc in next sp) twice, ch 2, dc in each of 3 dc, repeat from * arnd, end ch 2, slst in top ch 3
Rnd 5
ch 3, dc in next dc, *(ch 2, sc in next sp)x3; ch 2, dc in each of next 2 dc; repeat from * arnd, end ch 2, slst in top of ch 3
Rnd 6
ch 5, sc in sp, (ch 2, sc in next sp) x3; ch 2, dc in next dc, *(ch 2, sc in next sp)x4; ch 2, dc in next dc, repeat from * arnd end ch 2, slst in 3rd ch of ch5
Rnd 7
ch1, sc in same ch with slst, * ch 5, sk 2 sps, sc in next sp, ch 5, sk 2 sps, sc in dc, repeat from * arnd, end slst in first sc
Rnd 8
ch 1, sc in same sc, * ch 10, sk next 2 lps, sc in next sc, repeat from * arnd end slst in first sc
Rnd 9
ch 3, dc in first sc, * ch 5, sc in ch-10 lp, ch 5, 2 dc in next sc, repeat from * arnd end slst in top of ch 3
Rnd 10
ch 3, dc in next dc, * ch 3, sc in next kp, ch 2, sc in next lp, ch 3, dc in each of 2 dc, repeat from * arnd, end slst in top of ch 3
Rnd 11
Ch 3, dc in next dc, * (ch 3, sc in next lp)x3; ch 3, dc in each of 2 dc; repeat from * arnd, end slst in top of ch 3
Rnd 12
ch 3, dc in next dc, * ch 3, sk next lp, sc in next lp, ch 3, sc in next lp, ch 3, sk next lp, dc in each of 2 dc, repeat from * arnd, end slst in top of ch 3
Rnd 13
slst betwn ch 3 and dc, * ch 9, sc betwn next 2 dc, repeat from * arnd, end sc in same place as slst.
Rnd 14
slst in 2 ch of ch 9, sc in ch-9 lp, *(ch 3, sc in same lp) twice; ch 3, sc in next ch-9 lp, repeat from * arnd, end slst in first sc
Rnd 15
(sc, dc, sc) in each ch-3 lp arnd. Slst in first sc. Ch 50 for hanging lp slst in st on opposite side of cover. Tie off
ch 6, slst in first ch to form ring.
Rnd 1
ch 5, (dc in ring, ch2)x7; slst in 3rd ch of ch 5
Rnd 2
(sc, 2 dc, sc) in each sp arnd. Join Tie off Sew a flower to each single dc of fnd 6. Make 2 more flowers, ch 10 at end of rnd 2 for one, ch 12 for the other. Sew ch ends to bottom of cover.
ch 70, tie off. Run thru rnd 14. Insert egg; tie drawstring in a bow.
ch 2
rnd 1
8 sc in 2nd ch from hook
rnd 2
2 sc in each sc arnd
rnd 3
(sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) x8
rnd 4
**work double knot st(*draw up lp on hook to measure ¼”, yo and thru lp on hook, insert hook betwn ¼” lp and single strand behind it, draw a lp thru, yo and thru both lps on hook–single knot st; repeat from * once); sk next sc, sc in next sc, repeat form **arnd, end slst in base of first knot st, draw up lp, sc in center knot of first double knot st.
rnd 5
*double knot st, sc in center knot of next st, repeat from * arnd end slst in first sc, draw up lp, sc in center of first double knot st.
rnd 6
(ch 4, sc in center knot of next st) x 12
rnd 7
3 sc in each lp arnd
rnd 8 & 9
sc in each sc arnd
rnd 10
(double knot st, sk 2 sc, sc in next sc)x12; draw up lp, sc in center knot of first double knot st.
rnd 11
repeat rnd 5
rnd 12
like rnd 6, but ch 3 instead of ch 4
rnd 13
repeat rnd 7
rnd 14
*sc in 2 sc, ch 3, sk 2 sc, repeat from * arnd
rnd 15
*sc in 2 sc, 3 sc in ch-3 sp, repeat from * arnd. Slst in first sc, ch 50 for hanging lp, slst in opposite side of cover. Tie off.
ch 70. Tie off. Run thr rnd 14. Insert egg; tie drawstring into bow
Make a 2½” tassel (wind thread about 40 times arnd 2½” carboard). Attach tassel to bottom of cover.
ch 5, slst in first ch to form ring.
Rnd 1
ch 7, (dc inring, ch 4) x5; slst in 3rd ch of ch 7.
Rnd 2
ch 1, 6 sc in each lp arnd. Slst in first sc
Rnd 3
*(ch 5; holding back last lp of each tr, 2 tr in 5th ch from hook, yo and thru all lps on hook) twice(double rice st), sk 5 sc, sc in next sc, repeat from * arnd–6 double rice sts.
Rnd 4
slst along ch5 of first rice st, (work double rice st, sc in center of next double rice st) x6
Rnd 5
slst along ch 5 of first rice st, ch 1, sc in center of double rice st, *ch 4, dc in sc betwn double rice sts, ch 4, sc in center of next double rice st, repeat from * arnd, end ch 4, slst in first sc
Rnd 6
ch 1, 4 sc in each lp arnd. Slst in first sc
Rnd 7
ch 1, sc in first sc, * ch4, sk 2 sc, sc in next sc, repeat from * arnd end ch 4, slst in first sc
Rnd 8
slst to center of first lp, ch 1, sc in lp, * ch 4, sc in next lp, repeat from * arnd end ch 4, slst in first sc
Rnd 9-12
repeat rnd 8
Rnd 13
3 sc in each lp arnd–48 sc
Rnd 14
(ch 3, sk 2 sc, sc in next sc)x16
Rnd 15
(sc, 2 dc, sc) in each lp arnd. Slst in first sc, ch 50 for hanging lp, slst in opposite side of cover. Tie off
ch 70, tie off. Run thru rnd 14. Insert egg; tie drawstring in a bow.
Picot Cover
ch 5, slst in first ch to form ring
rnd 1
(ch 4, sc in ring) x5
rnd 2
slst in first lp, ch 4, holding back last lp of each tr on hook, make 2 tr in first lp, yo and thru all lps on hook, * ch 8,holding back last lp of each tr on hook, make 3 tr in next lp, yo and thru all lps on hook (cluster st), repeat from * x3; ch 8, slst in top of first cluster st.
rnd 3
ch 1, 9 sc in each ch-8 lp. Slst in first sc.
Rnd 4
*ch 10, slst in 6th ch from hook for picot, ch 4, sk 4 sc, sc in next sc, ch 10, slst in 6th ch from hook for picot,ch 4, sk 3 sc, sc in next sc, repeat from * arnd.
Rnd 5
slst up ch into picot, ch 4, 2 tr in picot, * ch 1, 3tr in next picot, repeat from * x8; ch 1, slst in top fo ch4
rnd 6
ch 4, 2 tr cluster over next 2 tr, * ch 4, 3 tr cluster over next 3 tr, repeat from * x8, ch 4, slst to top of first ch4
rnd 7
4 sc in each ch-4 sp arnd. Slst in first sc
rnd 8
*ch 10, form picot as in rnd 4, ch 4, sk 3 sc, sc in next sc, repeat from * arnd, end slst in first ch.
Rnd 9
slst up ch into picot, sc in picot, (ch 4, sc in next picot)x9; ch 4, slst in first sc
rnd 10
repeat rnd 7
rnd 11
(ch 5, slst in 5th ch from hook, sc in each of next 4 sc)x10. Slst in first sc. Ch 50 for hanging lp, slst in opposite side of cover. Tie off. Make and join tassel as for knot stitch cover.
ch 70. Tie off. Run thru picots of rnd 11. Insert egg; tie drawstring in a bow
ch 6, slst in first ch to form ring
rnd 1
ch 3, 13 dc in ring, slst in top of ch 3
rnd 2
ch 3, *2dc in next dc, dc in next dc, repeat from * arnd, end 2 dc in last dc, slst in top of ch3
rnd 3
ch 5, dc in next dc, (ch2, dc in next dc)x19, ch 2 slst in 3rd ch of ch5—-21 sps
rnd 4
slst in first sp,ch 5,dc in next sp, (ch 2, dc in next sp) x9; dc in same sp as last dc, (ch 2, dc in next sp)x10, ch 2, slst in 3rd ch of ch 5
rnd 5
slst in first sp, ch 5, dc in next sp, (ch 2, dc in next sp)x8; dc in same sp, dc in each of 2 dc, 2 dc in next sp, work 2 sps, dc in same sp as last dc, (2 dc in next sp)twice, finish rnd in sps, end ch 2, slst in 3rd ch of ch 5.
Rnd 6
slst in first sp, ch 5, dc in next sp, work 7 sps, ch 2, dcin each of next 6 dc, ch 2, dc in next sp, 2 dc in next sp, dc in each of 6 dc, work 7 sps, ch 2, slst in 3rd ch of ch5
rnd 7
slst in first sp, ch 5, dc in next sp, work 7 sps, ch 2, sk2 dc, dc in next 4 dc, 2 dc in sp, dc in next 7 dc, work 8 sps, ch 2, slst in 3rd ch of ch 5
rnd 8
slst in first sp, ch 5, dc in next sp, work 5 sps, dc in same sp as last dc, (2 dc in next sp)twice; (ch 2, sk 2 dc, dc in next dc)twice, dc in next 7 dc, 9 sps, ch 2, slst in 3rd ch of ch 5.
Rnd 9
slst in first sp, ch 5, dc in next sp, work 4 sps, dc in same sp as last dc, dc in next 4 dc, (ch 2, dc in next sp) twice; ch 2, sk 2 dc, dc in each of next 2 dc, ch 2, sk 2 dc, dc in nezt dc, 10 sps, ch 2, slst in 3rd ch of ch 5
Rnd 10 slst in first sp, ch 5, dc in next sp,work 3 sps, ch 2, sk 2 dc, dc in each of next 4 dc, 2 dc in next sp, work 2 sps, dc in same sp as last dc, dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in each of 2 sps, 20sps, ch 2, slst in 3rd ch of ch 5
rnd 11
slst in first sp, ch 5, dc in next sp, work 3 sps, ch 2, sk 3 dc, dc in next dc, ch 2, 2 dc in each of next 21 sps, dc in each of 8 dc, 11 sp, ch 2 slst in 3rd ch of ch 5.
Rnd 12
slst in first sp, ch 5, dc in next sp, work 4 sps, dc in same sp as last dc, dc in each of 4 dc, ch 2, sk 2 dc, dc in each of next 6 dc, 2 dc in next sp, 11 sps, ch 2, slst in 3rd ch of ch5
Rnd 13
slst in first sp, ch 5, dc in next sp, work 3 sps, ch2, dc in each of next 6dc, ch 2, dc in next sp, ch2, sk 2 dc, dc in each of next 6 dc, 12sps, ch 2, slst in 3rd ch of ch 5
rnd 14
slst in first sp, ch 5, dc in next sp, work 3 sps, ch 2, sk2 dc, dc in each of next 2 dc, (ch 2, dc in next sp) twice, (ch 2, sk 2 dc, dcin next dc) twice,finish rnd in sps. Join and end as before
rnd 15 & 16
work even in sps
rnd 17
(sc, ch 3, sc) in each ch-2 sp arnd. Join . Ch 60 for hanging lp, slst in opposite side of cover. Make and join tassel as for knot stitch cover.
ch 80. Tie off. Run thru rnd 16. Insert goose egg; tie drawstring in a bow
ch 5, slst in first ch to form ring.
Rnd 1
ch 1, sc in ring, (ch 4, sc in ring )x5; ch 4, slst in first sc
rnd 2
(sc, hdc, 3 dc, hdc, sc) in each ch-4 lp arnd–(6 petals)
rnd 3
ch 1, sc betwn petals. (Ch 4, sc betwn next petals)x5, ch 4, slst in first sc
rnd 4
(sc, hdc, 5 dc, hdc, sc) in each lp arnd. Slst in first sc
rnd 5
ch 5, dc in same place as slst, * ch 1, dc, ch 2, dc in center dc of next petal, ch 1,dc, ch 2, dc betwn petals, repeat from * arnd, end ch 1, slst in 3rd ch of ch 5
rnd 6
slst in first sp, ch 1, sc in same place, ( ch 4, sk1 sp, sc in next sp)x11, ch 4, slst in first sc
rnd 7
repeat rnd 4—(12 petals)
rnd 8
(ch 3, sc between petals) x12
rnd 9
slst in first sp, ch1, sc in sp, (ch 4, sc in center of next sp) 11 times; ch 4, slst in first sc
rnd 10 & 11
repeat rnd 9
rnd 12
repeat rond 2–(12 petals)
rnd 13
slst to center of first petal, (ch 4, sc in center of next petal) x12
rnd 14-18
repeat rnd 9
rnd 19
(sc, hdc, 2 dc, hdc, sc) in each sp arnd. Ch 50 for hanging lp, slst in opposite side of cover.
ch 70. Tie off. Run thru rnd 18. Insert egg. Tie drawstring in a bow.
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Looking for more Easter themed Crochet patterns? Check out some of our favorite places for Crochet patterns. Etsy. has lots of new patterns and the perfect place to find Crochet patterns that are trending or seasonal. We also love Anniescatalog for buying individual patterns and a great place to source vintage styled designs and last but not least, Leisure Arts for more traditional styled patterns and books.
These eggs are ADORABLE, JD, thanks for finding them!