Did you think that the ONLY places that have Fiber Festivals are in NY & CA, or Maine & Vermont? Many of my meanderings online have led me to think that was the case. Well, IT’S NOT! Right here in the heartland – almost smack dab in the geographic middle of the lower 48, we have a wonderful Fiber Festival.Here’s the info:
The University of Missouri Extension Center is holding the Sixth Annual Fiber Retreat from March 9-11, 2007 in Jefferson City, MO. This is a dirt cheap, exciting, rowdy, disorganized, fun gathering of spinners, weavers, knitters, crocheters, felters (wet & dry), tatters, and those who use weavettes and knitting rakes. Classes are taught in all the categories listed above.
This year, the Main Attraction is Melissa Leapman! She’ll be teaching a couple courses and I’ve signed up for her ‘Crochet for Cowards’. Can’t wait to meet her and get some inspiration!
Last year, I took a class in needlefelting and one in needle tatting. Needlefelting is one fun art! Easy to learn, inexpensive to supply, and lots of decorative and functional – but mostly decorative – applications. Needle tatting is almost exclusively decorative. My friend Vicki Owen is the TATTING QUEEN IMO. You should SEE her work. I’ll post some later.
For your $40 registration, you get access to all facilities for the three days of the event, ALL MEALS, including a barbecue of locally grown meats, the gallery exhibition, the vendor area, and the camraderie. Each class has a separate materials fee – but they are extremely reasonable – like $5 to $15. Many people bring sleeping bags and sleep on the floor of the facility. Others bring campers. DJ and I stayed in a nearby hotel. I’m not one for camping, having grown up camping all over the US in a variety of humble circumstances, none of which I care to repeat! My idea of roughing it includes other people cooking my meals and changing my linens!
I’m really looking forward to this event! I’m hoping more people will hear about it and make the trek to central Missouri to further our artform. In fact, dj and I both signed up for a Crochet With Thread class SIMPLY to support the crochet classes. Altho’ we just might learn a thing or two along the way! If we want to see more crochet classes offered, we have to show up for them!
To get more information on this event or to register for it, visit:
or call 417.448.1212 to speak to Jane.
I’m especially excited about the class with Melissa Leapman (who will also teach a knitting class), but I’m equally excited about a class called Nuno Felt- Origami Folded Purse. I’ll even get up for the class which starts at 8:00 AM – not the best time of the day for me, thank you! I’ll report back to you after the event. Classes fill up quickly, so be sure to sign up soon if you want to attend.
I wish I could; never been to a Fiber Festival . I am from Hannibal MO.
I will be back to enjoy the rest of your blog. It looks very good. 🙂
Hi Michelle,
Sorry you can’t attend the Fiber Festival. But, you have at least one great yarn shop in Hannibal. I can’t remember its name. I was there a couple years ago shortly before there was to be a street fair of some sort. Really yummy yarns!
Ooops, I should have said I use to live in Hannibal. I live in Florida now. One day I’ll get back to my home town. The street fair was probably the Mark Twain Fesitval. 🙂
Do you have directions or a pattern for the felted origami folded purse? Sounds very interesting!! Thank you. Susan
How often I wind up reading dull and proloy written online commentary. This article was a refreshing change from all that. You make great points and present them in an interesting way. It’s just smashing.