you make this exquisite afghan!
Handmade doilies can be had for less than $1 at most thrift stores and flea markets. I often find myself rescuing them when I am perfectly capable of crocheting my own. I just can’t resist the allure of the knowledge of the hours and love that went into making most of them. However, I don’t have enough table tops to adorn with all of them. I’ve actually started stashing doilies in a drawer in my living room so I can change them out seasonally. This is quite the coup for the design challenged homeowner like me!
I’ve blogged before about what to do with doilies. Read some of these previous posts by clicking here and here. You can also use the Search box to other doily-related articles I’ve written. OR, you can make an ‘instant heirloom’ like the one made by Dottie Angel. While you’re drooling over this blanket and cursing me for giving you another WIM that requires joining, scroll down to see Dottie’s excellent tutorial. You might stop cursing me and start sending me fan mail. But, send it to Dottie. It’s her idea. I’m just the messenger…..
BTW, while it’s not my business to tell you how to spend your time or $$, please don’t take the time to crochet a lovely afghan then ‘adorn’ it with those Dollar Store doilies. They’re made of inferior materials, pumped out for pennies, and don’t represent the art of crochet in a very nice way. Far better to crochet a few yourself as you can see I’ve done by pictures in some of my previous posts or ‘adopt’ some like I have also done. Kindly honor the crocheter with your time and the love in each stitch.
I actually think this idea would look great if a few of the other squares were crocheted with a pattern like this.
Looking for more Doily Crochet patterns to make? Check these out on Etsy.
Would that be too busy?
This afgan is beautiful!! My favorite part is the last picture with the pretty flower in the middle. I can’t wait to crochet that!!!
Thank you!
I really like the way she joins the squares- no whip stitching and no joining with single crochets (not so bad though).
oooh i have been picking up the old hand stitched doilies at the goodwill, luv this idea!
This is a beautiful idea! I also have seen lots of pretty doilies appliqued onto clothing as well. Very pretty!
I don’t buy the “Dollar Store” doilies either, for the same reason. I DO buy direct from people in foreign countries who are the crochet artist, mainly on eBay. I love to help support them in their craft when I can. Same with ladies who make handcrafted jewelry. I crochet and I make jewelry but isn’t it nice to buy something someone else made now and then for a change!