I’ve never mastered filet crochet. I’ve attempted it several times and have had inconsistent results. I actually finished a pretty filet doily that ended up being my own design! It started as a legit filet pattern, but it kinda devolved and I fashioned my own final rows to finally finish the darn thing off. But, I am determined if not particularly talented so I’ve decided to give it another try. I decided to follow along with this blog since Royce is an accomplished needleartist AND she’s a beginning filet crocheter. Seems like a good fit to me!
We begin with this simple rose design, hook, and thread. If I can follow this, so can you. If you’re already accomplished at filet, then browse around her blog to see some of her embroidery. Pretty pretty, especially the chain link style done with a sort of crochet hook. Maybe I could learn to embroider too.
Check out her blog and filet tutorial here .
Want more filet patterns? Check these out on Etsy and these Filet Crochet Patterns books
Good luck JD. To me filet crochet in the square is simple. But then I did counted cross stitch for years and it follows a similar pattern. Just have a ruler handy. And have fun!
This is your own design? For a first-timer, that’s wonderful! I wouldn’t say you aren’t talented!