In searching for a really useful gauge tool, I ran across several different kinds. This is, by far, the coolest one I found. Doubt it’s available for purchase anywhere these days as it was scavenged from trash by the owner of the knitteroo blog.
But, since we all need a gauge tool, here are some others:
This is probably the most widely available and inexpensive of all gauge tools. It has two features I find useful – a hook (or needle) sizer and a ruler in inches and millimeters.
Here’s a great one available at :
Can’t tell if the one above has a ruler on it or not. Annies Attic has these two available:
This green one has a lot of info on it. Gourmet Crochet website has the same one in clear plastic which would be even easier to use.
Skacel makes this tool (available at – but where’s the ruler??
Not having a ruler anywhere in sight means that it’s NOT a gauge tool for crochet. Rather it’s a way to determine the size of one’s hooks or needles. Well, we need that two. But, I can’t see the reason for having two different tools when one would do the trick.
BTW – Addi Turbo hooks are one of those lines that don’t go by letter size. So, if you’re looking for an F hook in an Addi Turbo, you won’t find one.
It’s good to have a few different gauges on hand, especially if you’re not loyal to a certain brand of hooks/needles, as a size G hook may be xmm in one brand, and ymm in another. These days, you can’t even really go by the mm size, because they are NOT the same brand to brand, regardless of what the hook says. If you want to be absolutely sure of your mm size, you need a caliber.