Ok, this is just an idea – no pattern or anything. It’s not even really a button (I don’t think). But, I can see using this idea on those large and usually not very attractive faceted glass or plastic ‘crystal’ buttons that would be about 10 carats if they were diamonds. Wouldn’t this work great as a focal button on a shawl or sweater, to embellish a cute hat, or to line the front of your old winter coat to give it an update? Find some of those old ‘gems’ and grab your scraps of thread and a tiny hook and make some for yourself. No pattern needed. Just play with it and you’ll turn up something really cool!
I love this idea, JD! Very pretty!
Or what a way to tone down a really garish button and make it stand out in a really nice way!
thank you for sharing this idea…i was wondering how to use a crystal like this without hole to sew into something…beautiful way to sew it to something.