I don’t ‘do’ Halloween anymore. No kids or grand kids in the target age range for the festivities. Aside from forcing myself to remain far away from any store that has candy on sale for 75-90% off in the day or two after the ghoulish night, I don’t pay much attention. But, someone did ask me if I could crochet a cape for Little Red RidingHood. Well, I could… but prefer not to. So, I showed the person where she could find the pattern. Along the way, I found some other costume patterns you might enjoy.
There are seven separate patterns to make a knight’s costume, complete with shield and helmet here. I think a lot of little guys would love to be knights. To be Harry Potter, all you’d need is a scarf in the appropriate colors (burgundy and gold stripes), some wire glasses, and a wand. You get the idea. Start small and crochet the parts of a costume that you can. Use wire hangers, paper towel cores, and cellophane tape to complete the ‘look’.
A simple, but effective, little fairy costume is available here. Add a magic wand (store bought or one you create) to make your kid a Tinker Belle.
Here’s another one that would work up fairly quickly and is likely to score with kids of various ages. Not too much to this pattern, but it’s creative.
Looking for more Halloween Crochet patterns? Check these out on Etsy and these amazing Halloween Crochet Books over at Amazon
Oh, and by the way, the Little Red RidingHood costume I have made in the past (sorry, no picture) looks a lot like this one which can be found here. (Not a pattern, but an idea.)
The one I made like this in the past is a combination of a regular cape with a hood (like this one) that I configured myself with some blond ‘curls’ made from crocheted corkscrews from a pattern I’d seen in the past but could never find again. You can use almost any simple cape pattern for this, just add a hood to the top. If you want the ‘curls’, chain various lengths, single crochet into every third or fourth chain, then use some red yarn to sew them into the hood so they’ll frame the face. Doesn’t have to be perfect. Kiddies love this stuff!
Looking for more Harry Potter Crochet Patterns? Check these out on Etsy.
I love all of the costumes.
My favorite would have to be Little Red Riding Hood.
I wish I had that in my size.