If money were no object and I had all the time in the world to crochet, how might I spend my time and money???
Need Crochet supplies and Yarn? We highly recommend Lionbrand for quality yarn and ongoing yarn sales and discounts. Make sure to check out their free crochet patterns too.
Here are a few ideas.
a complete set of:
a complete set of:
pounds and pounds more yarn from this farm:http://slatetopalpacas.com/
a whole set of these beauties:
someone to crochet a set of the d’oyley (doily) patterns from this site (especially #5 and #6):
a copy of this book:
a complete set of the large maple hooks from:
AND – a full time housekeeper and cook, bill payer, and gardener – in short, a WIFE!
Then, I would have all the time in the world to crochet!
Id open a center in town to teach kids how to crochet. Children need a way to learn how to handcraft and resources are lacking in this area.
HEY! What a great idea! Thanks for your input. jd