So, I’m sitting at the Crochet Club Meeting, minding my own business the other night, knowing I had to leave early to get to the airport to pick up my MIL who was flying in from India via Australia, when I spied something dangling from the end of a shelf full of sock yarn. Just hanging there. Lots of interesting colors. Had never seen it before. Gotta get up and go see what this is. A SOCK SCARF! It’s so cute! I’m showing it to the assembled crew, raving about this.
Joan, a Crochet Club member who works at this shop stopped me with “I made that at least three years ago. It’s been hanging there since then.” No Way! Not one of the crocheters had seen this scarf before. It’s knit, but could easily be crocheted. Joan had made it using up all her sock yarn, so it’s a rainbow of solid, heathered, and self patterning sock yarns.
The heels are so cute. They stick out at all angles, tiny peaks in the narrow stream of this thin scarf. Hope you can see them on these pictures which Ronnie was kind enough to take for me. Isn’t she a good photographer?
The pattern is something like ‘Head Over Heels’ but I could find no reference to it online. Perhaps some of the knitters out there can help us out so we can credit the creative designer who came up with this simple but practical, whimsical pattern.
There was a sock scarf in a Knitter’s Magazine, about five years ago.