You’ve read my book reviews. You’ve perused my website reviews. You’ve lingered over my reviews of ads in magazines. Now, it’s your turn to post a review here. I can’t read every book, visit every website, or click on every ad link. So, I’m counting on my readers to share some of this information with other readers. And, you can win a prize for your review – a fresh, new copy of the very cute book Felt Me A Smile, (pictured above) recently reviewed on this blog.
The prize will be given to the most valuable review posted. It might be for writing about your favorite crochet book or sharing insights into your favorite blog or website. I’ll read every entry, visit every link, and judge which one I think offers the most insightful review. I’ll post a new category each Monday this month, so you have FIVE chances to win a great prize.
Here’s the category for Week 1 (of May, 2010):
What’s your favorite blog (not this one, thank you) and why? Please post a link to the blog in general and one to a particular blog post if that’s pertinent. Reviews should not exceed approximately 250 words.
Here are the contest rules:
The winner will have 48 hours to contact me with mailing information after the winner is announced. If the winner doesn’t contact me, the prize will be offered on another occasion.
TO MAKE IT CRYSTAL CLEAR, THE WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON THE LAST DAY OF EACH MONTH (OR SHORTLY THEREAFTER) AND THE WINNER MUST EMAIL ME ([email protected]) WITHIN 48 HOURS OF THE ANNOUNCEMENT. So, for sanity’s sake, that deadline will really mean that I need to hear from you no later than 8 PM the following Monday (so you have plenty of time to email me and I’ll get the email for sure even if I don’t sign on to my email on a Sunday).
I have many blogs i visit daily, and most are related to my love of needle crafts. One of my favorite blogs relates to these crafts right at the beginning source of it…. the animals where much of the fibers come from. Juniper Moon (formerly Martha’s Vineyard) Fiber Farm takes you to the roots of fiber love. Susan who up and dumped her professional New York career to become a shepherdess shares her daily adventures and mishaps of life on the farm. From learning the ropes the hard way, to the joy of lambing season. Folks are encouraged to help name the new lambs each time birthing comes around.
If you have followed for long you may have laughed, cried, bought a CSA share ,skein, or t-shirt or even lived close enough to be able to visit the farm in person for one of the annual celebrations such as shearing day. Susan shares interesting and unique links to things of fiber/animal interest.
Check it out! The photos posted are beautiful and make you want to reach out and touch one of the animals, or maybe even uproot yourself to become a shepherdess as well!
my of my favorite blogs is “ikat bag” and one of my favorite posts on that blog is: http://www.ikatbag.com/2009/11/owie-dolls_25.html
that blog is one of the most inspiring blogs liar’s creations are like no other. what ever she makes is filld with beauty.
she creats alot of tutorials and hides no secrets when it comes to “how to sew something”
i love that blog!
If you are interested in embroidery then I must recommend Sharon b’s blog, PinTangle. Sharon is an Australian embroiderer. Sharon’s blog includes a wonderful Stitch library and daily posts on new stitches, embroidery links and finds, as well as images and explanations of her extremely long embroidered sampler. Sharon also co-ordinates free community stitch challenges from her blog. These have included Take a Stitch Tuesday, in which participants work their way through a list of interesting stitches, taking one stitch a week and trying to stretch it’s boundaries and share their discoveries with one another. Sharon also offers on line classes and links to these can be found on her blog too.
I blogwalk everyday in a much longer distance than I actually walk in real life. Mental note :take a hike, dear. But there’s one little blog I really enjoy not because of its sophisticated design or much talk about contents or trendy guides, but the blog of a mother with a really cute daughter. Lovely design is Vancouver based blog which tells and shares the lovely adventure of mother daughter duo (and a cat) from the moment they get off from bed (pics taken minutes after they opened their eyes!) and they (of course) daily crafty journey. I love the simplicity and truthfulness. craftyhttp://lovelydesign.blogspot.com/
I follow this blog from quite some time and have come to love it.
While the artist is very talented and posts very informative things, the reason I like this blog is because she posts a lot of project for toddlers and especially boys. I find these projects very useful for my tyke. Here are some projects for boys: http://iammommahearmeroar.blogspot.com/search/label/boys
If you are interested in embroidery then I must recommend Sharon b’s blog, PinTangle. Sharon is an Australian embroiderer. Sharon’s blog includes a wonderful Stitch library and daily posts on new stitches, embroidery links and finds, as well as images and explanations of her extremely long embroidered sampler. Sharon also co-ordinates free community stitch challenges from her blog. These have included Take a Stitch Tuesday, in which participants work their way through a list of interesting stitches, taking one stitch a week and trying to stretch it’s boundaries and share their discoveries with one another. Sharon also offers on line classes and links to these can be found on her blog too.