I love the detail in these boots. Not sure white would go well in our house but they are adorable just the same. I know my daughter would love to rock the house in these. You can check out the full pattern here. Crochet Slipper Boots.
*Updated* This pattern is $7.99 on Revelry it was never stated as being free.
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Looking for more slippers to crochet? Check out these Slipper patterns we found on Etsy.
Crochet slippers are the ultimate comfort for your feet, they keep your feet warm and add padding to the underfoot of your sole.
Crochet slippers make wonderful gifts as generally they fit several sizes. Slippers are great for donating to charities, as crochet slippers can be handed out to hospitals, aged care facilities, and displaced children.
Did you know the first recorded history of slippers can be traced all the way back to the 12th century? The Vietnamese had been wearing slippers long before the folks in the West, with its earliest record of a slipper only being traced to 1478.
We also found these great crochet books on slipper patterns to crochet.
pattern is not free
This is featured as a free pattern but the link above takes me to a pattern to purchase.
Where can I find this pattern?
How is this possible that you say it’s a free pattern and then provide a link to get said pattern and all you get is a link to an Etsy shop where you have to buy the pattern. What gives?
That is faults advertising.
Good question. Where is free pattern?
Yes that was disappointing….NOT FREE…
It is also on Craftsy, but not free!
There seems to be some confusion, we never said it was free. Free patterns generally have the word FREE in our title or the word free is written in the article.
You wrote a post about a supposedly FREE PATTERN. When you got complaints that the pattern is not free, you wrote a comment and an update claiming that you never said it was free, even though you still call it a free pattern right above your disclaimer.
“You can check out the full free pattern here.”
Yes, there is some confusion, but it is yours, not ours.
You owe us an apology for misposting. You owe us an apology for lying about misposting. You owe your employer an apology for taking a salary for such shoddy work.
I’ve taken a screen shot of the post, so even if you update it again without an apology, your employers will know that you are incompetent in your position
Word! Well said anonymous! The pattern should be as listed / described: FREE!! VERY LAME!
There seems to be some confusion and I can see that my update was not clear and did not clarify the mistakes.
However It’s a post that was incorrect and whilst I am sure you were disappointed (rightly so). I do not think your reply is warranted. “I should not take a salary for such shoddy work”. Please ladies and gentleman it’s Crochet, it’s a pattern, it’s a mistake. No need for such offensive replies. If you don’t like my blogging then don’t read it. As for my employer? I own the whole Craftgossip.com website. The website that provides information, gossip, news and reviews to you, our readers for FREE.
Meantime type free lace boots in to google if you still need a pattern.
“I should not take a salary for such shoddy work”
If you are going to misquote me, please misquote accurately. I did not say you should not take a salary, I said you should apologize for taking a salary. As for you owning the site, that is so sad. It means there is no hope for improvement.
Wow people can be mean…I was disappointed it wasn’t free as well (it does say free), but look for another pattern and move on with your lives people :/
The post in pintrest still states its a free pattern just as a heads up. You might want to update that if possible so others dont get confused