I know almost nothing about Finland or its language. I do know that the ‘language’ of crochet is international. Even if we cannot read the pattern, and, sometimes, as in this case, even if there is not a charted design, we can often figure out the pattern.
This stunning scarf/shawl (ketjusilmukkahuivi) is an example of a simple, but very effective design. I am amazed at its simplicity – all chains and single crochets – or chains and a stitch combination of one’s choice – to create the rail effect. The fact that it’s a stash buster that uses up those partial skeins we all seem to accumulate make it that much more appealing to me. No one who received this beauty as a gift would imagine that it was composed of ‘scraps’ of yarn left over from other projects.
On Ravelry, other interpretations of this scarf can be seen, including a very sophisticated two color version that is clearly NOT a scrap project. I can’t wait to dig through my stash to assemble a collection of compatible colors to make my own interpretation. While there is no pattern per se online, a quick use of the translator at Google and the excellent photography on the site of the magazine Ulla combine to make the construction of the scarf clear to me.
Ulla is a Finnish magazine written with patterns of volunteer contributors. There is no English version of the magazine. There is a Ravelry group dedicated to the magazine and there may be help available there if you run into a problem. But, the pattern looks simple enough for me to feel confident that I can create my own version of it. As always, I will credit the designer for my personal use of the pattern. I remain in awe of the designer of this piece. It’s totally inspiring!
Note: Using a translating program, I was able to determine that at least part of the name of this scarf translates from Finnish to English as ‘Chain Bridge’. Well named, wouldn’t you say?
Any links to photos, etc.?
Sure is pretty some of those things that someone just came up with in their head are the best I have even seen! thanks as always for all your great finds and for sharing them 🙂
Well, not “Chain Bridge”… “Chain Stitch Scarf”. 🙂
The pattern is here: http://www.ullaneule.net/0108/ohjeet_ketjusilmukkahuivi.html
A quick translation would be… (note, I just did a fast translation, I didn’t check the pattern… but it seems pretty straight forward so it should work)
Yarn: Novita Seitsemän Veljestä ( Novita Seven Brothers) yarn ends about 150g, or similar thickness of yarn (My note: hmm, it’s a yarn you could use for example to knit socks, if that helps…)
Tools: Crochet hook, 3.5mm. Needle for finishing off the threads.
Size: 175 x 26 cm
Crochet with chain (ch) stitches a 315 long chain. Cut off the thread and close the last stitch my pulling the thread through it. (For the lenght of the scarf you need a number of chains stitches that is dividable with 20 + 15 stitches.)
Start a new chain by crocheting 15 ch. Count 15 stitches from the start of the first chain and crochet 5 double crochets (dc) in the first chain’s 16-20th stitch so that the group of five stitches connect the two chains. Continue in the same way: crochet always 15 ch and 5 dc, end with 15 ch. Cut off the thread and close the last stitch. The “ladder” made out of the two chains and the connecting double crochets form the center of the scarf. The chain stitches at the beginning and end form the fringe of the scarf.
Continue now crocheting with new colors in the same way chain stitch – double crochet chains on both sides of the “ladder” until your scarf has enough width. Design the colors according to your own taste and what you have in your leftover yarn bag.
End the threads in the fringes by threading them with a needle into the chain! Finish it off with a strong blocking in the direction of the length (or, if the yarn allows it, steaming).
Thanks so much for translating this wonderful pattern for us! I’m sure many of the blog readers will now be working up their own interpretation of this beautiful shawl.