At just 10cm tall I am going to call these Skeleton Halloween dolls a Weekend project. I feel most of us could get these done over a weeked. They are very cute and perfect for sticking on your office desk to announce it is Halloween. Does anyone else do that? decorate their office desks to suit the season? I have a sneaky tip, I always make a few extra dolls when I decorate my desk with them and then if anyone says where did you get that? I pop one up, I usually charge them the cost of taking me out for work lunch. It’s a win win for everyone.
These skeleton dolls are made using this free pattern from Lionbrand.
I love to crochet, being a senior citizen and on a fixed income I do look for free patterns. I went to get the free pattern for the Mr and Mrs skeleton I have to pay for it . I dont understand it says its a free pattern.
It is free you just need to download it