I saw skeins of this yarn (the higher end variety) at my LYS last month. It’s very scrumptious, comes in divine (and more adult) colors, and is tempting – but, what to do with it??

Rico Designs Pompon Yarn
There are less expensive varieties like Red Heart Pompadoodle and Hershnerrs’s Pompom Yarn.

Red Heart Pompadoodle Yarn

Pompom Parade Yarn by Herrschners
The January/February 2010 issue of Crochet Today! Magazine has patterns for a hat and muffler using the RH version of this yarn. They picture the finished items on a child. They’re quite cute. The two-tone pink used in this hat and muffler is a nice selection.
When using these yarns, the crocheter is urged to never pull a pompom (fur ball??) through a stitch, to crochet only on the approximately size 10 thread between the pompoms. Sounds like a good plan but not sure I could pull it off. I fear this yarn will disappear even faster than those eyelash and feather yarns. A little bit goes a long way……
I think this would make a super garland for a tree or doorway.
I know this yarn and I love it, but I don’t know crocheted, so I use it in my Xmas decoration, is like snow 🙂
You can see it here: http://dalleuncolinho.blogspot.com/2009/12/chegou-o-nadal.html
Roseanna, you read my mind 🙂
I saw a picture of a stocking hat made with this in the last issue of Mary Maxim. Looked great. I’m going to try to knit one when I can find the yarn in stores.
My mother made scarves for my daughter, niece and soon to be daughter-in-law for Christmas using this yarn…and the results are gorgeous! So gorgeous that she’s now going to make one for me and the mother of the bride-to-be….as soon as our local store gets more in stock!
I made a poodle doll for my granddaughters and used the pompa doodle on the ends of the paws and around the neck. Use it also around the edge of beenie hats, stockings, mittens and scarfs. Use your imagination, my girls have even brought me orders from their friends.
I love this yarn for scarves and baby blankets and it wasn’t that tricky trying to knit between the pompoms.
I just saw a pattern for a little poodle using this on allfreecrochet.com. It was too cute!
I recently found this type of yarn, also and had NO idea how to deal with it.
It’s more like the yarn in the first picture ,in lavender, being that the poms aren’t very big and seem to lay flatter once knit.
My skein is from Jo-Ann “sensations- lovebug”.
BTW- I never knitted in my life before, until maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago. I have completed a total of 4 hats, knitted in the round, only using a basic knit. One being a regular adult size (the first project ever), and the rest being smaller infant sizes- and now I’m working on a scarf with the lovebug yarn.
It’s awesome!
I’m going back for more of the lovebug yarn and can’t wait to see what more I can do with this stuff. I will be attempting whatever I can find. 🙂
FYI, only prefer the lovebug since the poms are not nearly as big as the Pompadoodle. The project pictures are super cute, but the size of the poms almost makes the brim of the hat look too big for a child’s head.
When I start making a blanket, or something, I might look for the larger, pompadoodle. HOwever, I do like the mono colored yarn, and not the variegated color… so… we shall see!!
I just bought the Lilac colored Lovebug yarn with the intent to make our new grand daughter a blanket…. So far not having much luck making it look like the sample they had in stores. The closest was with size 10 needles.
Anybody got tips as to size of needle they used…
I’ve made several crocheted scarves with the red heart pompadoodle and was super excited when I found the sensations love bug yarn….. Until I tried to use it. The same stitching does not work with lovebug and no matter how small a hook I try, it curls and twists. I just want to make a baby blanket! Somebody help me or I’m stuck with 6 skeins of it.
Sometimes it helps to carry along another strand to make one kind of yarn ‘behave’. Why not try carrying along a size 10 thread in a compatible color or the smallest thing you have on hand that will match or coordinate with the Lovebug yarn. Let us know if this works. That will save others a lot of hassle.
i was just wondering what store you meant by the abbreviations lys?
LYS = little yarn shop or local yarn shop. I usually mean local since they aren’t all so small.
I bought Sensations Lovebug yarn which is very much like this only smaller little balls. I have no idea how to knit this so that it looks like the sameple that I saw in JoAnn Fabrics store. I tried all different size needles, but the little pom pons are just all tangled and going in all directions – whereas, in the store, they were all laying side by side. Help!
I don’t knit so I can’t help. Maybe someone else has words of wisdom to offer. The yarn is so pretty and soft. Hard to stay away from.
There are patterns for some Christmas items as well. Michaels and Walmart had the patterns.
You can find several patterns online. I have seen it used to make hats, scarves, the cuffs of socks and mittens and blankets. When working with this yarn, you don’t pull the pompoms through your loops, you are just working with the lengths of yarn between the baubles.
See this pattern for Pomp A Doodle Poodle
Hey, I’m sure this is my picture of the Pompon scarf I knitted. Looks like my sofa throw and background living room clutter! 🙂
Does anyone know roughly how many stiches I need to cast on in order to make an adult size blanket. I know the baby one is 74 stitches.
Furthermore, when I cast on am I using the 2 stiches in between the pom poms?? Or do I cast on using 1 stitch in between pompoms and knit 2 in between?
Are you knitting or crocheting? Maybe some reader can answer your question, but I cannot.
Fiona-I know this is a really late response but I thought I’d offer some help anyway just in case you still want it! 🙂
I am playing around with 110 sts for an adult blanket, we will see how that goes (if it’s too small, I will just use it as a throw anyway). I am using size 13 needles and only knitting one in between each pom (although sometimes I pull the poms through, it gives it a little less uniform look which I like).
Hope that helps (if you’re still trying to make the blanket that is!)