We are all aware of the many published crochet artists/designers. We buy their books and read articles about them in magazines. We peruse their websites and buy their goods on etsy. But, just HOW professional is professional?
I was researching some online media communications methods when I ran across this:
This crocheter truly thinks of herself as a Crochet Professional with a Capital ‘C’. There may be a message here for the rest of us – especially those who seek to sell their designs, publish their patterns, and get themselves in the crochet spotlight.
Here’s a sample of Mr. Funky’s work:
While I like this scarf, I do not find it exceptional. But, this artist is making a living (it appears) with crochet. What’s the difference between Ogawa and the rest of us who love crochet? I read often of people asking if and how one can ‘make a living’ with crochet. Maybe we just need to get the proper connections.
I think it’s just about having passion for what you do and create. If you think your great then you will be, else you won’t.
This crocheter truly thinks of herself as a Crochet Professional with a Capital ‘C’.
Hey, hey! Herself or himself! Plenty of guys crochet too.
While you make an interesting point regarding the importance of being connected, as well as the fact that it’s important for anyone who wants to sell their work to “just do it,”… I would hardly say that this woman is making a living, at least not on Etsy, given that she opened her store in May of 2008 and only has 8 sales listed, and absolutely zero inventory… I hardly call that a living. Linkedin is a great way to stay connected with people, but it certainly does not insure a steady stream of income! The right product, the right price, exceptional customer service as well as hard work and perseverance… that might, if you’re really good, earn you a living with your art/craft!