Where do you go (other than here 😉 to get your crochet eye-candy fix? I have several go-to sites for patterns when I know what I want to make, say a scarf or babyghan. But, when I just need some motivation or inspiration, I find that I’ll spend hours surfing the web in search of that project, yarn, or idea that will jump start my next project. Where do you go?
I love Ravelry.com. It’s free, has lots of great photos of lovely projects, including pictures of many crocheters’ finished items of the same project to see how they will look interpreted in different yarns or even different gauges. It is also very clear most of the time who the author of the pattern is and who has merely posted a photo of a finished piece.
Pinterest.com is a fantastic site for eye-candy and inspiration. (See the all crochet room?) It can also be a huge time-sucker! If I’m not careful, I can spend more than an hour clicking from one picture to the next, like turning the pages in a huge crochet picture book. While this is certainly enjoyable, I find it a bit more difficult than Ravelry to source a pattern. That can be frustrating. When I have fallen in love with a certain something, I really want to know where I can find the pattern. Pinterest makes this a bit more daunting – sometimes even a lot more daunting.
What I often find myself doing is seeing the inspirational piece then heading over to www.crochetpatterncentral.com to see if the pattern is available anywhere on the net. Old school? Maybe. But, it can get me there.
Craftcrave.net is another site, newer, that is similar to Pinterest that is growing. If there are other similar sites out there, I have yet to find them. Not sure I want to! LOL. I might never have time to actually pick up a crochet hook again.
So, what is your favorite site to go to for crochet inspiration?
The Craftster.org crochet boards are a favorite place for me! There are lists of tutorials/patterns available, but also a ton of posts with inspiring photos (many with outside pattern links, too).
Like you mentioned, Ravelry is a very fun site for inspiration! I also the yarn brand sites, such as Caron.com, Lionbrand.com, and even the Kreinig website!
crochetcrave.net is not a working site according to my computer. Please help.
Ravelry for me at the moment but I find it frustrating too as many of the projects are made with yarn available in US only. Also, it’s not always clear if the pattern is in US or UK terminology. Still do spend lots of time there.
I spend a lot of time on youtube learning new stitches and often learn off Teresa Richardson’s site as she explains things so clearly.
Ravelry is mine so far. I sometimes find a pattern and like it but have a hard time getting past the example. So I’ll scurry over to ravelry to see what others have done and get inspiration that way.
Definitely agree with Craftster! They have inspiration for all the fiber arts (crochet, knit, spin, weave, embroidery, etc) plus sooo much more!
As far as crochet goes, i-crochet.blogspot.com is my go-to site> It combines the visual interest of Pinterest with the ability to credit the source like Ravelry because each photo is being added by the creator!
I have finally succumbed to the Pinterest pull. And, I must say that I agree. It is so inspirational. Such a wonderful place to organize my links in one concise location. Scary when I start trying to organize all the links to flowers I want in my garden. ha! I think my most popular board is the one where I am trying to pool together Tunisian crochet patterns that are currently available. I try not to spend too much time there, but it *is* fun. 🙂