Oh, how I love a twofer idea. Re-use, recycle, upcycle, repurpose – all are especially wonderful to me when they involve crochet. When I ran across this one, it spoke to me. My thrifty husband saves all our produce bags and I need to find some uses for them. To use one as a disposable scrubby before, I’ve simply scrunched an entire onion bag wadded up in my hand and gone at the barbecue grill with it. Works as well as anything I can buy. But, it’s not handy. It’s not easy to hold. This designers mind works better than mine does! She saw a produce bag and saw a crocheted scrubby. And, she created a tutorial for the rest of us who aren’t as smart or crafty as she is. So, here it is. What could be simpler? Make some!
http://mrsgreene.info/2010/12/crochet-pattern-reversible-dish-scrubber-using-recycled-mesh-produce-bags/ click on this to see other views, the tutorial, and the pattern.
And to see a beautiful shawl pattern, and other things, that she made as gifts, check this page on her blog.
Pretty nice! I recommended Jute. Once its wet, it turns to a soft scratchy surface.