I couldn’t help myself. There it was. It looked cheery but lonely. It looked perfect but unloved. I HAD to take it home with me. What was it? A doily at a thrift store! There were actually a bunch of doilies there, but most had been crocheted with white thread, and I’m a sucker for color. Check out one of my own doilies below. I love the cheerful colors that can be found in size 10 threads.
So, like others I’ve read about, I am now the adopted mom to this wonderful doily. The colors will go pretty well in my ‘undersea’ themed guest bath since they echo the colors of several of the deep sea fish. I plan to display it there.
So, how much do you think this beautiful doily cost me? Well, I’ll give you a clue. It was half price! So, instead of the tagged $1.50, it cost me a mere 75 cents!! I couldn’t resist. You couldn’t have either. Oh, go ahead – admit it!!
I wish I knew who made this beauty. I rescued it from a thrift store in Maryville, Missouri where I was visiting this past weekend. The friend I travelled with is a thrift store junkie like me – a junk junkie??? But, she’s not interested in crochet. While I troll for yarn, hooks, books and magazines, she’s snatching up 1970’s vintage clothing and microwaveable Tupperware for herself . But, we both love the thrill of the hunt at thrift stores. On this particular weekend, where the stated purpose was to deliver her youngest son and his possessions to his dorm room at Northeast Missouri State University, we managed to spend several hours at three different thrift stores, one in Maryville (home to this University) and two in Kansas City where we also spent the night to visit my cousin.
My version of the Pistilli Pineapple Doily which can be found at:
Not much crocheting got done. We mostly ate, shopped, ate, drove, ate, and talked trash about our wonderful husbands! It’s a good thing our two hubbies are such great guys. They strongly support our thrift store shopping, especially since they are so often the beneficiaries of the great old books we find there that they both enjoy.
If you get the chance, run on down to your local thrift store and rescue or adopt a doily or afghan. There are lots of them for the taking. I simply do not understand how anyone could abandon these wonderful handmade beauties…….
OOO, the colors are perfect for the room you’re describing! I’d have saved it too, the poor thing, lol. Hopefully after my kids get rid of all my stuff somebody nice will rescue it too 😉