Sweet Eleanor Scarf
I was unable to attend the September meeting of the St. Louis Crochet Club. Ronnie nicely agreed to take notes for me. Here is her round-up of the group’s Show n’ Tell. Sorry I missed it. I’ll be there this month and will report all the goodies.
Valli – Baby blanket – shaded seafoam (aka Valli green)
in her stitch – trying to decide to name it 3-D fans or Embossed fans
her WIP is another baby blanket – turquoise cotton – same stitch
Kathy – Baby blanket – rainbow Bernat socks – crazy stitch
WIP – over the shoulder shrug -Lion Brand tweed stripes – sc in back loop
a completed UFO – 2yrs in the making a knitted afghan.
Mandy – woven table scarf – she spun the grey leichester border & merino cross
blue turquoise skein for her esty store – plied and spun
showed off a wool sampler box – 20 different fleeces in the raw.
Rita – a scarf from an edging pattern with yarn from the yarn crawl – Marks & K….
Vest in progress…Lee Wards Bernat soft & cozy in her stash – multi colored, adapting the neck warmer vest pattern with a zipper – sans the neck warmer
DJ – Mohawk hats for the grandson and her project in mind is a Transformer afghan in grey and black…
Georgia – showed pics of the completed Kitty afghan (already gifted) and working on the Dahlia Cardigan for the Thursday Nite KAL using Berroco Ultra Alpaca
Joan – working on socks for Christmas using Universal Yarn’s Merry Merry Sock.
and Berroco Sock with Metallic in shades of Blue (knit)
Jana – 3-pairs of socks and 2 shawls – knitted – working on the Wald afghan out of Berroco sock hexagons. ( Also missed the comments on spelling Berroco…good for a 5-minute laugh)
Teresa – self-designed camera case out of two shades of pick – trying to decide on 1, 2, or 3 buttons.
Michelle – working on a knitted shawl using green Classic Elite (only has been knitting since Feb).
Marti – did a fantastic cabled pillow front (back was fleece) in natural color. Showed off her Turn of the Century S hook. Also, trying to figure out how to join her three strips of hairpin lace – neither of us had the pattern with us.
Mary did not have anything with her.
Ronnie – Sea Dragon bookmark – #10 ocean, two baby blankets – white light & lofty, in crazy stitch, hot pink light & lofty, in rectangular granny square, 2 scarves out of creamsickle light & lofty, 3 cat toys – spiders on chains from the leftover pink and white (you gave me the yarn). Completed brown lace skirt from Inside Crochet (queensland rustic dk) and Sweet Eleanor Scarf – 2 skeins of Zauberball – black and teal.
Looking for more Shrug patterns to crochet? Check out these Crochet patterns for Shrugs we found on Etsy as well as these books on Amazon.
Where does this St. Louis crochet club meet. I am extremely interested.
love this scarf – where can i find the pattern?
Here’s the link to the Sweet Eleanor Scarf pattern:
Well…GEE WHIZ…not used to this sort of thing. I am from Lubbock, TX. I have been a crocheter since my early twenties. I have so much yarn and have made so many things. I even inherited my mother’s yarn when she passed away. I love all patterns for crochet and would love more.
Leta Kegg “Lea”