If you weren’t there, you missed out! We had a fun gathering and lots of show ‘n tell, our favorite thing! Here’s the rundown.
First, the shop owner, Georgia, who is mainly a knitter, showed off several projects:
Baby Surprise Jacket
Reversible Cable Scarf BonBon in Lana Grosso (sp??)
Two cowls – Swiss Cheese (pretty colors and full of holes, hence the name) and Button Cowl with super bulky yarn
Her WIP is a Baby Surprise Jacket in blue Regia hand dyed sock yarn. Yummy!
Next, Teresa gave us all a laugh by spreading out her WIP – a snuggly for her tall husband that has become her nemesis project. At one point, she was lying on her back on it, talking on her cellphone. Gave us all pause!
Another of Teresa’s WIP is a scarf for Special Olympics.
Valli has been researcing and swatching for several projects from the book “Crochet So Fine”. She showed us her assorted swatches, all in varying shades of her favorite deep turquoise or strong purples. And, Surprise! Her DIL wants a crocheted sweater! Naturally, that project moves to the head of the line!
Mandy had her usual collection of very pretty shawls – Klamath Shawl in fall colors of Fame (a Swedish yarn), another beautiful Southbay Shawlette in brown mohair, and Clapochet in MiniMochi colorway Treasure Chest. Outstanding! She had also finished her Chevron Lace Sweater which she will make again in a less bulky yarn. This one was in pewter gray Encore DK and is lovely.
Rita has been busy making fingerless mitts for her husband who works outdoors and knitting him more wool socks. She made mitts in Mission Falls yarn in tan and hunter green and some for herself in raspberry Hobby Lobby Rainbow Wool. Another WIP is socks in Paton Kroy ‘Effects’.
Ronnie again surpassed all of us in productivity! She showed off a Mountain Pass cowl in entrelac in MiniMochi, a diagonal square scarf (MiniMochi Diagonal Blocks Crocheted Scarf by Gail Tanquary), a crocheted version of the Hanne vest from Knitty.com in RH Monet worsted weight (very pretty!), and several projects made from Noro Daria – the Ruffled Corset from Happy Hooker, a slide belt, and a fans (motif) belt. All the same yarn in the same color, but strikingly different in appearance. In addition, Ronnie shared her Coral Weave Shawl in white Bernat Baby Sport and a stunning Tunisian Mitered Throw made mostly of RH Kids bright colors. This is a definite winner! Also, ther was a Granny Shawlette from Inside Crochet Magazine #9 made in Crystal Palace Panda wool with bamboo that had felted a bit upon washing. But, it looked great!
My projects included two scarves – one that started life as part of a babyghan but bored me so it grew up to be a Moebius Scarf in pale green, another pale green scarf in the wondrous Frosty Flakes, and a babyghan for the Christmas Baby. More WIP’s but most too large to carry to a meeting.
Melinda was excused because baby Shannon Nicole had just recently made her debut, DJ was home being a good wife to help DH with a project, and Cathy had to rush back home to find her misplaced purse (which was fortunately safe at home not missing her at all!), and Joyce was MIA. We hope all can be present next month when we plan our annual Christmas party. However, it’s worked so well for years that we’ll undoubtedly stick to the well-practiced formula – food and crochet!
Check out our NEW Facebook page for Crochet. This page is only about Crochet!! Free pattern links, tips tricks and tutorial videos. We will be sharing it all to the ONE SPOT. Make sure you LIKE the new Crochet Facebook Page so you don’t miss out. Crochet Facebook Page.
Check out this amazing book with over 100 different Granny Square patterns
I love your crochet club report. I’m in Georgia all by myself…
If anyone is on ravelry – we’re St. Louis Metro Area Crochet Club…feel free to join.
I post most of my items there…and our leader Ms. JD. is the best.