If you enjoy baseball and crochet (or knitting or needlepoint, etc), you might enjoy a day that combines both – stitching at the ballpark! Go to this website for details:
The event is a combined effort of the TNNA (The National Needlearts Association) and MLB (Major League Baseball).
This year, in St. Louis, the shop owners are committing to selling a large number of tickets so that we can fill the stadium with stitchers. For loyal Cardinals fans, this is a wonderful combination of two favorites! My LYS, Hearthstone Knits, told our group about it last night. If/When you buy tickets through your LYS, all of you get to sit together. That will make for even more fun. Knitters and crocheters (and others) will watch the stars on the field while we create stars, flowers, stripes, etc with our hooks and needles. I’m kinda’ looking forward to it. As it turns out, no shop has anyone to do a crochet demo at the stadium – on the ramps not on the field (TG!) – I have offered my services. As usual, I am always ready to introduce others to this artform and make new friends.
So, please spread the word. Support your LYS and your team. Go to the website for details or call your LYS if you have a professional baseball team (AL or NL) nearby. It should be a great evening! Ours is Monday, August 6. I’ll be reporting the news of the day on a blog entry shortly thereafter. Stay tuned for developing details.
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