Have you seen this crochet pattern book? I’ve had it in my hands several times, wondering if I wanted to buy it. The last time I looked at it, I FINALLY SAW what the patterns were! They are just crocheted covers for purses you already own! How cool is that?
Now, scratching my head and mumbling to myself that I need to pay closer attention to these things, I’m full of ideas for updating old purses. This is such an easy thing to do. Remember those small cloth bags that buttoned or snapped onto wooden handles so you could change the purse to match your outfit?? I think that was in the 1970’s – showing my age. I still have a set of them although the ‘purses’ are too small to hold more than car keys and a lipstick. I carry way more stuff than that.
So, why not trot on down to your local Goodwill and snatch up an ugly, old, well-shaped bag for a couple bucks and pull out your yarn and hooks to create a spiffy purse to match your ‘new’ duds. Since my ‘new’ duds often come from Goodwill or other thrift stores, this is my style! I am something of a purse hoarder. I have many purses. I tend to buy expensive purses (for which I typically pay less than $10) and hold onto them for eons. I much prefer leather over any other material. I have actually worn out several good leather purses. I’ve been known to buy a purse at the thrift store merely to obtain a good strap for a purse I already own whose strap is cracked. I’m not fickle when it comes to purses. BUT – I always want more of them!
Now, I can use some yarn and my brain power and crochet a purse cover to match all my outfits. Okay, I’m dreaming. There aren’t enough hours in the day for that. But, I do own one or two outfits that are strange colors that would be ‘pulled together’ by carrying the right bag or scarf. Since I find most scarves simple accessories to lose, I’ll stick to purses to pull together my outfits.
So, what shall I make for a winter bag – maybe navy with some snowflakes. Spring would be a mint green with flowers appliqued on. Summer could be a U.S. flag with some sequins to celebrate July 4th. So many ideas, so little time…….
WOW! I have this book and it is a good book!