These nifty little hooks/needles are currently available from Coats and Clark. They’re Susan Bates’ “Handitool”. If you look closely, you’ll see that there is a crochet hook on one end and a knitting needle finish on the opposite end. So, if you both crochet and knit, these could be a great addition to your tool kit, especially for travel.
I don’t know how long they are or how well finished they are. I tend to like Susan Bates Hooks, but I prefer in-line hooks and these don’t look to be in-line. Since I’m not a knitter, these don’t have that appeal to me. Just wanted to share a new product – at least new to me.
New to me also, but like you I prefer Bates over Boye because of the inline hook end. And I do both but it has been so long since I knit that I may have forgotten how but would not take much to get going again. Like riding a bike you really never forget how.
I knit and crochet both. I don’t exactly know what the needle tip would be used for. Maybe picking up stitches? I will probably buy one and try it out if I see it anywhere in town.