As I was browsing a friend’s blog the other day, I was reminded of this wonderful charity sweater pattern that has gone through several name changes – from Oxfam to Guideposts to, now, World Vision. The pattern is available in crochet or knit so you can choose your method. Also, this is a fantastic way to use up partial skeins of easy care yarns. The sweater looks great worked up in stripes of acrylic yarns, in a solid color, or in a variegated. It’s a really simple pattern that can be made by even the most beginning-est crocheter.
Looking for more sweaters to crochet? Check out these sweater Crochet patterns we found on Etsy.
These sweaters can be made in all sizes – and here’s a chart to help you figure out the dimensions you’ll need for various sizes. You can make them for your own kids, or you can choose to make some for charity and send them off so that needy children around the world will be warmer this Winter. It’s important to be sure to use easy care fibers only for these sweaters if you’re making them for charity. Of course, if you’re making them for your own family, you can use a wider variety of fibers.
Should you choose to crochet (or knit) one or more sweaters for charity, here’s the address to mail them to:
Knits for Kids c/o World Vision
210 Overlook Drive
Sewickley, PA 15143 USA
If you work up a few of them over the Summer, you can send them off in time for Christmas. You’ll feel so good….
NOTE: Using the chart linked above, you can see how flexible the sizing can be. Further, you can use the drawings on the chart as a guide to make the sweater in any size you want. It really works! Also, rest assured that you can work the sweater up in your favorite stitch or stitch combinations. If you keep your dimensions to the T-shape of the sweater, you have a lot of leeway to experiment.
I don’t do the purl stitch very well, so I e-mailed WV and asked if they would accept sweaters in the garter stitch, and they said they would…If anyone was wondering.
Thank you so much for reminding us of a need and yes you do feel so good when you can help to fulfill this need. I am at work as we speak.
Blessings to you!