Who’da thunk that these pretty cloths started life as cotton tee shirts? Cyndee over at restyledjunk.com shows how to take your own old tee shirts, cut them into ‘tarn’ (tee shirt yarn), and crochet up these chunky, thirsty dishcloths or face cloths.
If you’ve been reading my blog for very long, you know how much I love to feature projects that turn ‘nothing’ into something. restyledjunk is just my kind of site! I am also impressed with the way these cloths turned out. I love the feel of soft, chunky cotton yarn and that’s exactly what an old tee shirt will give you. It’s all in how you cut it. And Cyndee shows you how to do that too.
So, what else can we make with this ‘tarn’? If you have time, a red tee shirt would make a great Christmas stocking. It would certainly make a snuggly shawl or scarf – easy care, warm, and, best of all, FREE! Recycling stuff that might otherwise make its way tot he landfill is definitely on my To-Do list. I look for ways to do so every day. This is just one more great idea to that end.
We love the concept of making long-lasting re-usable dishcloths that are practical and help save the environment. We highly suggest using a 100% Cotton yarn as it stays fresh longer. Looking for more Dishcloth patterns? Check these crochet patterns out on Etsy. Dishcloths come in so many different designs and themes which makes them perfect little handmade gifts. Everyone can always use a dishcloth right?
Too bad that late hubby’s T’s are all Gray or Dark ones! Something will come along. Thanks again hugsalot