You gotta check this thing out. I wonder if we can still buy this item anywhere but Ebay?? Anyone out there own one or ever used one? Does it really work? Inquiring minds and fingers want to know.
Well, I answered my own question by going to Ebay and finding two of these for sale. I’ve bid on one and will be receiving it before long. I’ll report back on how well it works. Can’t wait to give it a try!
UPDATE – I purchased one of these ‘Knitters’ on Ebay. Couldn’t figure out how to work it with the instructions that were included. Took it to my local crochet club meeting where experienced crocheters and knitters each had a try at it. No one could figure it out!! No wonder K-Tel didn’t keep them on the market very long. Would love to hear from anyone who has used this implement successfully.
Hmm.. that is intersting. I’ll be interested in hearing how it goes. 🙂
I found one in a thrift store, and posted about it on my blog:
Some of the comments were helpful…
I have one that I found, probably in a thrift store a long time ago. Were you able to follow the video well enough to make it work?
I was able to pick up one of these this morning at a yard sale but mine is called a Grant One Needle looper. It came with instructions which seem clear to me. If anyone is interested, I could scan and send them.
HI JAN. I actually have the instructions that came in the original package. I just don’t understand them! Nor do my knitting friends. I choose to spend my little bit of spare time on crochet so will set this ‘toy’ aside. Perhaps one day it will become clear to me. jd
I have 3 different balls of Kountry Kable Kotton by Lily. App.77 yards. This is heavier than Speed Cro Sheen . Would like a pattern or suggestions on how to use this as it is 3 different colors. Thanks
i have 2 but they are my moms my husband tried to bid on one on ebay, but lost in the final seconds.. i want my very own because it is what i learned on and is all i can comprehend…any info as to how i can own one for myself. please let me know
thanks tish
I got mine on ebay. I suggest you look there. Didn’t work for me. No one at my LYS could figure out how to make the thing work!
Try asking for these hooks on a knitting discussion list on or on the crochetpartners or crochetville list. I bet some folks have them and would be willing to part with them for a few bucks if you ask.
I have a k-tel knitter and after much frustration trying to figure out how to get it going, I finally figured it out and I have already made many things. Not from patterns, but from picking my own brain. I would love to find some patterns especially baby clothes patterns that I can use my k-tel knitter. The k-tel knitter really makes some beautful items. For just starting out, I would suggest you work on your basic chain. Pull it apart, do it again. And again and again until you can almost do it with your eyes closed. Then work on a scarf. Once you get the hang of it, you’re well on your way!
my mother in law has one and she uses it everyday she is 91 and it’s the only craft she can do with her eyesight. it’s reativly easy it’s very similar to the afgan stitch
i love handcrafts
I actually just ordered one from Etsy for $7.50 with shipping included… they have it on Ebay for $22 bucks plus shipping… that’s crazy
i found 2 today in an op-shop in australia!!!! couldn’t resist buying them!
I have used this K-tel knitter and it is easy to use it. So far I have done a few throws with it and used three different types of stitches out of the nine listed on the booklets.
Many people have written many negative online comments about this needle but you need to realize that this is a different way of knitting and it is fun.
Used this in 1975 when I was pregnant with my daughter. Made her Blanket, sweater,cap and booties she wore home from the hospital. Made a few more things then other crafts and life took over but then in 2010 bought one one Ebay and have been happily making scarves, affgans and other things with it. I could never knit or crochet but can work away with this needle for hours!!
I have one it was my moms mostly I make baby blankets. I nedd a book to make more stuff easy to use
I had one of these K-tel knitters years ago and I remember using it and I didn’t have any problem with it. I made an afghan with it. I have a very good friend that is sending me one because over the years I guess I lost the one I had. I would be glad to tell or show anyone how to use it.
K Tel Betty Ann Knitter / Grant Loop
Have just found these old messages – does anyone have instructions/patterns they could scan and email please? I have two Betty Ann knitters from the 1970s and remember making a blanket with them but I really need instructions and patterns to set me off again.
I had one back in the 70’s went to get it,and the instructions were in the box but not the tool. I would love to find one again, but have not been able too. Understood the instructions better then crochet or knitting with crochet hook or knitting needles.i had lots of fun making things .