At the last meeting of the St.Louis Crochet Club, we had our usual Show ‘n Tell – my favorite part of the evening. Rita, one of our members who both crochets and knits, admitted to not having much to show this month. Then, she pulled out these and told us that they were a Christmas gift from her 15 year old niece who designed them herself:
You may not be able to see all the detail, but I’ll explain so that you can reproduce these for yourself, using any suitable pattern for the cuff.
First, these are heavy duty kitchen gloves. Not sure what they are originally intended for, but they can be found in sporting goods stores and some kitchen supply stores. Then, the talented young woman cut tiny slits about an inch down from the top edge of each glove. The slits are only about 1/16 inch and are very evenly placed. It looks like she used a blanket stitch to anchor the first row of the cuff. These are knitted but could be easily reproduced in crochet.
The yarn is a sport weight cotton. She used three separate colors and changed colors deftly. The overall effect is very attractive – and especially delightful when one considers that they were created by a knitter who’s only 15 years old.
While I’m not one who usually want to crochet things for household ‘drudgery’, these are the exception. Not only would they be useful, they’d also be a decorative addition to most kitchens if left on display. Congrats to Rita for having such a clever niece!
And, thanks to Ronnie Titus for her usual deft use of her cell phone camera!
These would be great to catch the ‘drips’ when you raise your arms to push that piece of hair that insists on getting in your eyes or wipe that arm across your brow to wipe off the sweat!