I’m fortunate to have some large book stores nearby, so I have a nice selection of new crochet books available to me. Finding used crochet books locally has proved almost impossible. Occasionally, I’ll find one at a thrift store, but that’s a rare thing. Since I’m pretty much of a penny pincher and love bargains, I’ve taken to buying my used crochet books online. I’ve blogged about this before, but I’ve found a few other sources worth checking out. Here are a few great places to look for well-priced crochet books:
https://www.discountbooksale.com/ has hundreds of books, well sorted. I have yet to use this site myself, but this particular crochet book is listed at half the cover price. They offer $5 off your first purchase with them and FREE SHIPPING! I want this book to review, so I’ll probably buy it soon.
A site I have done business with that has a huge selection of used crochet books AND leaflets is this one:
They’ve got some of those old Beehive pattern books, hard to find in my area.
Overstock.com has become my ‘go to’ place for lots of online purchases, and they have 161 crochet books listed, including some of the latest publications. Click here to see the crochet goodies:
You, too, can google and find other used book sources. I’d love it if all readers shared a link to favored online book stores that stock crochet books, especially used books. It’s always best to research a site that comes personally recommended IMO. List away, please! List the sites and titles you’ve purchased if you’d like.
http://www.yesasia.com for the cutest Japanese crochet books you will ever own, http://www.etsy.com for hard to find, out of print books, and also e-books. E-books, sent as a file to your e-mail address are the trend for many artists now. http://www.youcanmakethis.com also sells a large variety of crochet e-books.
DEBBIE, I agree that http://www.yesasia.com is a good site. It’s a bit difficult to navigate and I haven’t actually purchased anything there because I’m unsure if the books are really crochet since knit is often thrown into the same category and I don’t like to knit. I have found that the search engine works better if you enter ‘crochet patterns’ rather than ‘crochet book’.
I use Half.com. It’s part of Ebay and the prices are set (you don’t have to bid). They have every book you can think of and some can be as cheap as 75 cents! I allow myself to buy one book a week.
eBay or places that accept PayPal.
Buy books at Great Discounts from mocioun books.
Y should u buy all the books? When many are available over the internet.
I’m impessred! You’ve managed the almost impossible.