Whether you want to buy a whole library of crochet books or just browse new titles, there are many excellent sources for crochet books online. Here are some that I’ve used myself or have been recommended by others: (in no particular order)
http://www.zooba.com/ecom/pages/nm/nmhomepage.jsp where all books are $9.95 w/free shipping (14 crochet books in stock now)
http://www.powells.com/ 604 crochet books listed, new, used, sale items, and those not yet released, also lots of inexpensive reprints of Elizabeth Hiddleson and others.
http://www.amazon.com/ too many to number, new, used, reviews, audiobooks, videos, yarn too!
http://www.half.ebay.com/ an Ebay venture, lots of used books, videos, audiobooks
http://www.abebooks.com/ many, many books, used starting at $1
http://campusi.com/ you wouldn’t necessarily think of looking at a textbook vendor for crochet books, but this is one site I always hit because of the almost instantaneous price comparisons. Lots of goodies here.
http://alibirs.com/ A useful site. If you sign up for their newsletters, you’ll get coupons for $3 off your next purchase and similar values.
http://www.cheapestbookprice.com/ Lots of crochet books. don’t know about their service.
http://www.allbookstores.com/ 714 crochet books in stock, price comparisons, used and new.
http://www.countryyarns.com/ Jennie Gaskin’s site, lot of Elizabeth Hiddleson reprints and other goodies. Jennie has lots of Leisure Arts leaflets too.
http://www.interweave.com/ For a site devoted only to crochet, knitting, beading and similar, you can’t beat the quality of Interweave Press.
I’m sure I’ve missed some really great sites. Please share your favorite site with us so we can all benefit!
Excellent books on crochet books. It contains good information. Thanks for the post.