Crocheters are always discussing ways to sell their goods. Local outlets may be completely lacking in your area. Maybe a garage sale or an occasional craft fair is the only place you can sell your crocheted items. Occasionally, some area might have a consignment store which will take crocheted items – but the crocheter will typically only earn about the amount spent on the yarn rather than the genuine market value of the item.
Maybe you can design a website and sell your goodies there. Maybe you have a blog with a few items to sell. Maybe you cruise the internet to find some reliable sites to sell your wares. is the premiere online vendor of all things, homemade or otherwise. Currently 356 items are listed under the ‘finished items’ in the crochet category on ebay. Since one can have an online store via ebay, this is a fairly good option. I have heard many complain about ebay’s fees being a prohibitive expense, depriving the crafter of a true profit margin.
There are other online sites too:
This lovely summer sweater is available on
Another reliable site, has no finished crochet items for sale. They do have a bunch of great, inexpensive crochet patterns for sale. Just search on the site for your favorite crocheter or for the item you’d like a pattern for.
A site I’ve often heard spoken of but had never visited myself is So, I checked out the St. Louis site and found a number of crocheted items for sale, including these pretty caps:
A search at this site: revealed this collection of doll crochet:
Above is pictured a pretty doily, the pattern for which is available (through )for purchase at:
There are several crochet sites listed at the crafterscatalogs site, but mostly have patterns rather than completed crochet items for sale.
I’ve purchased a few things on these sites. I find etsy and lulu to be user friendly – and I have some favorite designers who sell on these sites.
Do your own search for ‘online craft fairs’ and see what you come up with. There’s a lot out there!
I am looking for someone who would like to buy many crocheted pieces & maybe donate them to a childrens shelter or send blankets overseas or they could even sell them. My grandma made so many crocheted items & I didnt have the heart to throw them away & while I would like to make something myself I dont have the time & there are so many other projects waiting in the wings. this is the problem most crafters of any kind have. So if anyone is interested or has suggestions on where to sell these items I would appreciate it.
There is also, which is similar to Esty.
I am also trying to sell my crocheted pieces and jewelry. In Artfire, jewelry making supplies are getting good sales. I am not sure why some people are selling and others cannot make even a single sale. I am not giving up though.
There also a new site call Art You Can that’s completely free. I think you can sell all types of handmade items there.
Cool, Liz. I’ll have to check it out.
How do you get a online business license
Where do I get a online business license and how do you get your items on your website this is my first time
I’m unaware of any need for an online business license. You’d need to get a tax ID from your state (in the US), but nothing beyond that is required as far as I know. I’m sure you can check on or for more particulars.
Looking to buy or get donated crocheted items for a children organization,
We want hats, blankets and shawls
Sites to sell on:
I absolutely love to crochet and give out all crocheted items to family and friends. It is a joy to see the smiles on their faces and especially joy to see the smiles on their baby’s face, once family and friends get these nice crocheted items.
Take care and GOD bless you all,
Canary LeBlanc