I teased some of you with a post on CP List regarding an afghan that was given to me by my friend Teresa. First, the gift was unexpected (and unnecessary), generous, and make me joyous!! Teresa ‘resuced’ this afghan from her friend’s garage sale. Can you imagine just chucking this wonderful thing?
When I first looked at the afghan, all I could think of was all the HOURS of crocheting that some (probably female) crocheter put into it. Teresa’s friend didn’t know who had made it. My next thought was ‘my son is gonna try to steal this from me.’ Everyone who was at the meeting/party where this afghan made its appearance was very taken with it. Since I’m rather new to tunisian crochet – and quite taken with it – I especially appreciate all the work that went into this afghan.
If any reader knows anything about the designer of this afghan, I’d love to have more information. Was it a kit? Is there a graph available for it somewhere? Who designed it? Who crocheted this one? Teresa and I both live in St. Louis, so I imagine this afghan was ‘born’ here.
Anyway, please take time to enjoy these pictures, kindly and deftly taken by Ronnie Titus. I NEVER have a camera with me! Ronnie always does. AND, she knows how to use it – which is a skill that continues to elude me. Thanks, Ronnie. Thanks, Teresa. Aren’t crochet friends lovely???
BTW, that’s Melinda helping me hold up the afghan. Teresa is holding it in the middle from the back, completely obscured by the afghan!
PS: BetsyAriz sent me the link to this afghan. It’s a design from Linda (diznemom). There’s a row count as well as a graph. Follow this link:
Thanks to Betsy and others for alerting me to the origin of this great design!
Looking for more Afghan blankets to crochet? Check out these Crochet patterns on Etsy.
I remember seeing this pattern. I want to say it was in an older Crochet World or the old Annie’s Hooked on Crochet. I’m 95% certain it was a DRG publication. Maybe check on epatterns?
THANKS SO MUCH for this lead. I’ll give it a try!
JD.. I can not even imagine the work that went into this afghan much less going to throw it away.. wow girl how lucky you are to be the recipient of it.. that is incredible to say the least.. thank you so much for sharing this gorgeous piece of art… I am sure you will cherish it for many years to come…hugs…Nancy
this looks like one of Dizneemom’s (sp?) designs… someone called Linda, and she is/was a member of Crochet Partners.
Jan made this graph from a picture. She did a wonderful job. It takes me 2 months to do a graph ghan like this. It is a shame that the person was so willing to let all that work go in a lawn sale. It is beautiful. I have done these for different charity donations
I would love to get this graph and row count for it anyone can help i would appreciate it