My French is really rusty, but the pictures on this site tell pretty much the entire story! So beautiful. Tres Joli, non?
After you’ve drooled over all the beauties, be sure to check out the fifth picture of the six which is pretty much a ‘cheat’. Kinda works for me! What do you say?
Hey, thank you so much for the link to my blog !! I’m glad you liked my post. Cheers ! Stéphanie
This is an awesome project. I want to do this in my daughter’s bedroom. But I wish their site is in English. My French is very very bad.
JD, this is a beautiful idea for a project! Wanted to offer a suggestion to your readers! There is a website called You go there, you do a paste-in of the word, paragraph, etc., that you want translated; you choose from what-to-what languages, and bang, it translates it for you! Now granted, crochet terminology may not translate perfectly. But it might give you enough of an idea of what they’re saying to figure out how to do it!
None of the pictures showed up for me. Just little blank boxes.